
Monday, December 20, 2010

2010 to 2011

waah............lagi 10 hri kot nk msuk up to today, penat gler la wei...hri2 rutin g klas at 8, blik at, mandi...stud gp at 6, finish at 7.15...then what to life began at 8...
why?? ye la...ak free utk bce buku2 cter at 8 je...bc stori books, makan, kacau coffee 3-in-1...biarlah...bak kata org...better have some than donot at all.. ak dah besyukur abih dah kot..

hm...actuallt arini ak ada a few qs utk ak taye diri ak..nice to know..ak student this one faculty wat ak X PENAH pikir nk jejak pun...but somehow tickling my days with the seniors, classmate and dean today...ak somehow wondering..why am i here?? what is actuaaly my aim when ak enter this fac..i don't mind the toughness of the course..(er....x..slh tu..ak mind wei...sgt2..) but why this course!!! ape aim ak dlm sehari2 ak hidup la..of coz aim kita sebagai manusia nk hamabkan diri kat ak still don't get it when ari tu ak terclick the application for this fac and why ak bargain about this fac to my bro and family...

ape fokus ak sebenarnye...arini..ak dgr kat radio pg2 kul 7++ kat kita kn ada fokus dlm life ni. the penceramah bg contoh...kat this one paper ad satu je titik hitam and that paper is innocently plain white colour. all students, when are being asked about what they see at the paper, they say that they saw a tiny little dot..thenit happened that this sorg budak..angkat tangan and kata dia nmpk ketas a4 putih.see the an aim in our life akan change our every little point we have towards somthing....

nk thu pun kat radio...the same penceramah stress that the 1st sight love is not quite exist..(er..asal ak wat msuk contoh nih...ei......)actually it all start with the 1st impression you made to someone.kita msti kata 1st impression is everything it is...btul...bab kalau kita dah aim kat that someone...everything kita nampak adalah ape wt kita nk nmpak...see?? so kita CHOOSE to see what we want to see.. then mulalah kita kata tu love at 1st sight...haha..mgarut je..(opps...sori kpd sape2 wat trase...ssghnye ape wat ak tulis adalah hasil tgn ak btul tgn ni..)

so tulah....we choose what we want to be, we aim at it straigtforward and go strive for it...sbb x rugi kalau kita strive at something even when everyone kata that's impossible la....bab sebab this same reason la jgk mentol ada, Istanbul Islam punyer, Perang Khandak kita menang and just don't forget....ples..ALLAH slalu ad dgn kita walau time tu kita x igt kat DIA see?? you never alone..even when everybody leave you, kita still ad ALLAH and kalau kita kita beriman dlm erti sbnr2 nya.. org2 mukmin yang khusyuk solatnya pun bersama kita...cuma kita x penah sedar.



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Monday, December 20, 2010

2010 to 2011

waah............lagi 10 hri kot nk msuk up to today, penat gler la wei...hri2 rutin g klas at 8, blik at, mandi...stud gp at 6, finish at 7.15...then what to life began at 8...
why?? ye la...ak free utk bce buku2 cter at 8 je...bc stori books, makan, kacau coffee 3-in-1...biarlah...bak kata org...better have some than donot at all.. ak dah besyukur abih dah kot..

hm...actuallt arini ak ada a few qs utk ak taye diri ak..nice to know..ak student this one faculty wat ak X PENAH pikir nk jejak pun...but somehow tickling my days with the seniors, classmate and dean today...ak somehow wondering..why am i here?? what is actuaaly my aim when ak enter this fac..i don't mind the toughness of the course..(er....x..slh tu..ak mind wei...sgt2..) but why this course!!! ape aim ak dlm sehari2 ak hidup la..of coz aim kita sebagai manusia nk hamabkan diri kat ak still don't get it when ari tu ak terclick the application for this fac and why ak bargain about this fac to my bro and family...

ape fokus ak sebenarnye...arini..ak dgr kat radio pg2 kul 7++ kat kita kn ada fokus dlm life ni. the penceramah bg contoh...kat this one paper ad satu je titik hitam and that paper is innocently plain white colour. all students, when are being asked about what they see at the paper, they say that they saw a tiny little dot..thenit happened that this sorg budak..angkat tangan and kata dia nmpk ketas a4 putih.see the an aim in our life akan change our every little point we have towards somthing....

nk thu pun kat radio...the same penceramah stress that the 1st sight love is not quite exist..(er..asal ak wat msuk contoh nih...ei......)actually it all start with the 1st impression you made to someone.kita msti kata 1st impression is everything it is...btul...bab kalau kita dah aim kat that someone...everything kita nampak adalah ape wt kita nk nmpak...see?? so kita CHOOSE to see what we want to see.. then mulalah kita kata tu love at 1st sight...haha..mgarut je..(opps...sori kpd sape2 wat trase...ssghnye ape wat ak tulis adalah hasil tgn ak btul tgn ni..)

so tulah....we choose what we want to be, we aim at it straigtforward and go strive for it...sbb x rugi kalau kita strive at something even when everyone kata that's impossible la....bab sebab this same reason la jgk mentol ada, Istanbul Islam punyer, Perang Khandak kita menang and just don't forget....ples..ALLAH slalu ad dgn kita walau time tu kita x igt kat DIA see?? you never alone..even when everybody leave you, kita still ad ALLAH and kalau kita kita beriman dlm erti sbnr2 nya.. org2 mukmin yang khusyuk solatnya pun bersama kita...cuma kita x penah sedar.


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