
Thursday, July 28, 2011

i wish the best Ramadhan to all!!!

really, Alhamdulillah!!!!!! the Ramadhan is here.. in a few days. Alhamdulillah... i really hope that this holly month will give me tremendous yet memorable impact on me, in my journey in this open world....

and i will spend lots of time in this Ramadhan, fasting and breaking fast with my family for nearly whole month(only few days short..still got class next week and short exam as well)... the last i ever did was 5 years ago...which is before i went to boarding school. since then,  i will only be home on the eve of Eid day, or as much as one week before the end of Ramadhan...

hence, since i will be at home fastingg with them, i hope, it will be easy for me to do all the tahajjud and Al-Quran recitations..insyaAllah.... how i wish this Ramadhan will bring me 1000 meanings and barakah.



for those outside there, sometime, we need to keep our ego high for ourselves to get respected or to keep our pride high..... but what would you do if someone you think closer to you like sister, hush you away, to keep her/his ego up?

my pride is hurt, your pride will be hurt as well right?
dush! what should i do??
right now, i wish i was away from you for sometime, to keep me relaxed and to save our both feeling and emotions under control. i feel that you are doing the same, and luckily, Allah is here with me, insyaAllah...
and each time, i feel like wanting to spill words at you, i feel like i have to be calm and quickly i turn away from you..

i have my ego, you have it, WE have it...
and i know it is hard at this time... but please, girl, if you think that i befriend with you to get rid of you... no... i befriend with you because i want to be your friend and your buddy. For Allah, i want our ukhwah, to be saved. i love this friendship... and i wish to keep it...
and mind, my ego is when... someone close their heart on me, i will close my heart to them as well. forever. even if i want to keep it opens, it has only been once before and it is long time ago...

Hearts of Love - Valentine's Abstract Compositions  - Not cut  - Abstract Valentine Heart Wallpaper  19

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

the ZOO!!!!

before i proceed about the zoo trip i had been, i need to take time typing this post.... AAAAAAAA!!!!!! the stomach cramp is here!!!! dush!!! pedih woi!!!

k... this post will gonna be short and sweet.... (^.^)
the Zoo Negara or the National Zoo of Malaysia, is located in Selangor... and the place is awesome!!!!!!
the animals are superb! the guide tour is friendly and i wish to enjoy more Q's and A's than this one but, you know the lecturers team is with us, so it is sort of out-of-habit of me, to become talkative that day... wi..... :o

i love the aquarium the most! tha fish....!!!!!! what!!!!!! so big!!! and it is the first time, i watch the little penguinssss alive and dolphin, lions, lioness, a friendly black bear, a kangaroo-like animal(which use tail and 2 legs 2 walk), a BIG tortoise and all!!

dush! next time, insyaAllah, i will bring my family there! and mind, outside food can be taken into the zoo, and the family picnic is allowed there!!! so!!!!! let's have a picnic with the giraffes and zebras there, next time!!!

p/s> next time, i post the pictures..the net is slow..

Saturday, July 16, 2011

my first visit to Bangi by KTM Comuter (ways to start a journey when you never know how)

yesterday, i went to my cousin's house in Bangi, Selangor. she is my so-called cousin and the only one that lives nearby me in Shah Alam. currently she's pregnant her third child and is living in Bandar Seri Mahkota, Bangi.

however, i never went there alone (even with family... only couple of times...2..3..)  and luckily i had Ina as my company... hm.. if it happened that i lost, haha... i, at least had her along with me.

with only a hint of " u take the next stop after UKM", strong-heartedly, i paved my way at 10.30 am. u know, for 1 year i'm in shah alam, the only usual route i take is from KL Central to KLIA or KL Central to Shah Alam. see?? and i only used the KTM komuter twice! the one i used to go to Sunway Piramid with my friends...all 4..5 of us! and last week, for KL Central-Mid Valley one way stop.

hm...and now, i have to hurdle my way alone..since Ina also is clueless about the comuter KTM thingy.
hm... however, the people, the city hustle, the map, help us a lot.

hence, first thing to do when you don't know how to start your journey is by trying to reach a counter. regardless it is a Qs counter, a ticket counter or a police booth. as for me, i reached for a ticket counter and ask the lady in-charge about tickets to Bangi. it's cheap: RM 3.70 for 8 stops..8!!!

then, try looking for a map. in KL Central, you will immediately recognize it is a map when you are around the ticket counter and you see that there are a crowd of people looking at the same way, while thinking. you see, there are lots of maps around the counter but people basically love to look down than look up when they want to think. and people love newer things than the older things. that's normal. that's why people will go for the standing map at the left of the counter and newer looking one. that way you will straightly know that they are having the same problem as you are and maybe you can start asking them ways to get to Bangi, for example.  

if you are still unsure about the route, ask around. however, limit yourself only to the old lady, the woman with shopping bags or the people with travelling bags. since, for me, that kind of people, basically have a reasonable reason to be at the place. however, i have no intention of saying that free-hand people or younger people have no reasonable reason to be there, but we have to take precaution right.

and a reminder to the man or non-old-folks people, please....! if you are in a public transport, and there is a middle-aged woman, old folks, kids around you, give them seats. if you don't want to leave your comfortable zone, share them.... it make no harm by sharing... instead, it livens up your soul by sharing. sharing is caring. caring is loving. i really hate and 'menyampah' when a man, doesn't give the seat to the lady with 6-8 years old kid, which is standing right in front of him! hm... even though you are with your sweetheart, why don't you show a little social caring skills towards  the society. it give no harm to leave your sweetheart for awhile you know. even more, it will show your sweetheart that you care about your surrounding and you are a good man.your sweetheart will love you even more, then.


hence, for a conclusion, public transport is a safe transport for me and KTM Comuter will travel you safely and soundly if you know HOW to tackle it. the most important is buy the right ticket, memorize your stop's name and carefully look after your stuff. choose people when you want to ask Qs.

P/S: i still don't know how to tackle small kids, helpless and clueless...

Monday, July 11, 2011

the learning hour is here

for the fresh beginning of this new semester....err... intersession actually..(well, i still got module to cover in this one-month session), what i could have express here is that, i hope for the fresh start. i mean, for what i had been through last few weeks, i hoped that my colleagues will actually try to understand me.

Alhamdulillah, i got some that actually understand me and befriend with me like before. like, insyaAllah,  Ina, Zaf and Irah. they actually know that i sat for that supp exam and know everything that goes around me last month, but they don't say a word about it and i know they curious. just.... i am sorry, i am not fully prepared to answered your curiosity.. insyaAllah, when time pass by... insyaAllah.

for now, i have a role to play in, in the coming group presentation session..haha... even though i play a minor part... (haha, only to control the slide to edit the presentation thingy...haha, well, i don't have to do the drama part... Alhamdulillah, insyaAllah...), but we have to present it by next week... for 45 minutes presentation on title, INFECTIVE ENDOCARDITIS(ie)..

ie is like sort of bacteria implantation on your heart wall. hence, by time, for sure, it will narrow your heart lumen(blood vessel), and lead you to high blood pressure. then, from bp, you'll get heart attack, stroke (when it attack your brain's blood vessel), and on higher stage, you may die. 

so we have to be creative to present that topic to the colleagues and lecturers.. since, there's allocated marks included for the big2 exam in november and final bms(basic med sc) exam in may 2012, insyaAllah.

Colorful parachute against sky  - colorful_parachute

p/s: my aim to achieve for this new semesters, and next2 semesters: I WANT TO BE INVISIBLE. I WISH, THEY WILL STOP LOOKING AT ME, FOR ME, AND ME! i want this to be achievable, since i hope to be the least well-known girl in the faculty. i don't like people to know me....insyaAllah. i hate publicity!!!!!!!! why??? since it is ridiculous!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

selepas hurdle ak dah lalu bulan lepas, konklusi....

alhamdulillah....kami 11 orang pass exam ari tu, insyaAllah... firstly, time ak sapa shah alam, serius, x rs ak belong to this intersession prgm pun then ina la kata, tu sume pass, sambil tunjuk kat board, kat dean's office. serius...!!! ak rs x pecaya.. betul la kan...resepi kita nk success, DUIT, kita kena doa, usaha, sembahyang hajat slalu, Al-Quran jangan tinggal, then korang jgn slalu la duk depan pc kalu tgh study. sbb pun that kind of screen korang akan slalu terbawak2, ye la mula2, nk cari video muscle contraction. then tringat x bc ag update status kat dental gp fb. then mula la......

hm... dari 5 minit....jd 15 min..jd 1 H. isyak bru sedar.. reading x bt ag...

alhamdulillah.... insyaAllah, lps ni, kick off dgn modul respiration. so blaja lung la pulok. naseb baek modul dental material x start ag, alhamdulillah, sebab x ambek ag gigi2 kat klinik2 ari tu..mintak2 gigi wat dentist swasta kumpul byk elok2 and kurang cavity... amin... insyaAllah...sbb seganla nk mintak kongsi ngan budak2 ni... memang la dorang byk kot dpt gg, tp segan la kan... gg wat kumpul tu pun, nk guna sampai clinical year... hm...mesti masing2 sayang nk lps gg masing2 kan...

lagi... hm..ape ye jln paling selamat nk bg bro kita kawin cpt...haha...kesian... dia dikelilingi oleh orang2 yang dah tunang, dah kawin...and dia x de pun sapa2 ag a.k.a solo... haha...dia ok, insyaAllah, doktor lagi, laki dia rendah la sikit dalam kategori laki tp dia ok la... dia slalu sisuk, dri kecik, dia x duk ngan kami pun. dia bdk asrama, padan la kan,anak sulung, kena la blaja adab sikit... so dia x rapat la ngan kami. ngan other boys dlm family je dia ngam. sbb ak prefer my other brothers, walau ak slalu dibuli oleh abang ke-2 ku, tp x pe, at least, ak ad sidekick adik pertama ak...haha, dia jenis kool adek pertama ak ni, tp senyap2, hm... bt kes byk dri abang ke-2 ak wat nakal. haha... dia la first dalam family ad telibat dlm kes pukul budak, gantung skolah..haha...skolah asrama bai.... sorang bt hal, ramai cikgu nk ngajar...

so skrg abang sulong ak tgh meracau nk cri a wife, hm... tp at least dia ok ngan pompuan, hm...kalau ak la, ngan lelaki....... la, x brape elok kan kita pompuan rapat2 ngan laki... huh..nk ckp ngan dorang pun pikir 2 3 4 5 kali, hm..last2 mintak tlg member suh ckp ngan bdk2 tu..  at least, ak thu ak pompuan. and ak sedar malu tu memang patut pun untuk sorang pompuan.. pakai tudung pun, cover aurat pun... well, at least, kalau nnt during the judgmental day, in hereafter, kat akhirat, insyaAllah, at least, suruhan wajib orang pompuan ak dah bt.. so x de la kena soal, insyaAllah...AllahuA'lam... .
tggu orang masuk minang la jak.... haha.. x pe, insyaAllah, lambat ckit je tu...nnt2 dpt la tu...insyaAllah jak...ingat... the one wat mu akan kawin ni, is the first outsider tau, masuk jd menantu dlm family ni...haha... oh..the same goes to my sister, Amirah Aziz.. haha.. your marriageable age is around the corner.....agaknya la... guy mcm mane akak ak minat...haha...

hm...sedap ngata orang.... well, for me, during study age, means now until i am 23 24, insyaAllah, there will be no outsider guy(s) for me, except if it is destined that i gonna have early marriage... haha... konfom la tak kan... x nye bagi bos2 ak, ak kawin muda.. ngaji pun x menentu ag... dental chair pun ak x serve ag. so to the old flame wat ak penah ter-'suka', well, terpaksa pendam la 3 4 thun ni. hm... insyaAllah.. my heart truthfully, sebenarnya, dah terisi ngan benda2 lain... no more space for the other things to fill in.

my fav qoute for now, sayang manusia ditinggalkan, sayang harta dizakatkan, sayang binatang dilepaskan, syang Ilahi, berkekalan selamanya di dunia dan akhirat insyaAllah....

Monday, July 4, 2011

a calm sense of human???? ada ker???

hm...that day, right after i finished my exam, i decided that i need a break. out of everything. the world keeps spinning, never stop, hence, to stop myself being dragged by the fast-forwarded time, i should spend some time reflecting and rethinking, reconstructing my mind, to power up my will power and everything.

hence, i spent quite some time at my grand's pondok. means, sort of old folks house, (for the lady only) but not that sort of fierce nurses, wheelchair patients and all the TV shows us, but that sort of little2 house, in front of a interwoven hills, in the countryside, near the primary school, the mosque and away from the town. the place is so calm. the makcik there is so nice and each time, you get free meals... hehe... well the Rumah Orang Tua Nurul Saadah always received rice, donations and you know, there is also a cook  and the old ladies don't have to cook back at their house. the ladies are not like the ones we see on TV, because the ladies over there are always busy with tajwid class, Al-Quran class, Tauhid class and also activities like aerobics and social networking, like when outsiders come and visit the house, so they will have a feast and gather around to greet the people. well,they are forced to live there. but rather, they choose to live there. the place is so calm...

the ladies are free to do their own chores too. like, you can do your gardening and when you have extra something you share with the others. somehow it sound like you are in a small village, but only the time has slowed down for you, because, majority of the ladies walk slowly, using sticks and talk slowly. you feel like appreciating your youth when you see them.

my grandma, MOK TOK, always tell me that we have to be thankful for the long age Allah lend us, not just that, be thankful for the health Allah lend us. it maybe someday, Allah want it return to Him, we have to be prepared for that. her long age, (~70-80 something...) is a miracle for her, for her conditions is like a tide, but for me, she is a strong lady. she has been through many hardships since young and my grandpa, has passed away long ago, but there she is, planting the trees, walking up and down her former house, back and forth to her old-age relatives and i know, she is feeling like it will be soon her time to ga, since many of our relatives, on her age, mostly have passed away. but it is true right that our time is  shorten on every second it passed.

hence, it is not just her, but us to start doing good deeds for our share in the hereafter.

(dush...x de gambar la nak tunjuk....haha... k..insyaAllah, lain kali...)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

i wish the best Ramadhan to all!!!

really, Alhamdulillah!!!!!! the Ramadhan is here.. in a few days. Alhamdulillah... i really hope that this holly month will give me tremendous yet memorable impact on me, in my journey in this open world....

and i will spend lots of time in this Ramadhan, fasting and breaking fast with my family for nearly whole month(only few days short..still got class next week and short exam as well)... the last i ever did was 5 years ago...which is before i went to boarding school. since then,  i will only be home on the eve of Eid day, or as much as one week before the end of Ramadhan...

hence, since i will be at home fastingg with them, i hope, it will be easy for me to do all the tahajjud and Al-Quran recitations..insyaAllah.... how i wish this Ramadhan will bring me 1000 meanings and barakah.



for those outside there, sometime, we need to keep our ego high for ourselves to get respected or to keep our pride high..... but what would you do if someone you think closer to you like sister, hush you away, to keep her/his ego up?

my pride is hurt, your pride will be hurt as well right?
dush! what should i do??
right now, i wish i was away from you for sometime, to keep me relaxed and to save our both feeling and emotions under control. i feel that you are doing the same, and luckily, Allah is here with me, insyaAllah...
and each time, i feel like wanting to spill words at you, i feel like i have to be calm and quickly i turn away from you..

i have my ego, you have it, WE have it...
and i know it is hard at this time... but please, girl, if you think that i befriend with you to get rid of you... no... i befriend with you because i want to be your friend and your buddy. For Allah, i want our ukhwah, to be saved. i love this friendship... and i wish to keep it...
and mind, my ego is when... someone close their heart on me, i will close my heart to them as well. forever. even if i want to keep it opens, it has only been once before and it is long time ago...

Hearts of Love - Valentine's Abstract Compositions  - Not cut  - Abstract Valentine Heart Wallpaper  19

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

the ZOO!!!!

before i proceed about the zoo trip i had been, i need to take time typing this post.... AAAAAAAA!!!!!! the stomach cramp is here!!!! dush!!! pedih woi!!!

k... this post will gonna be short and sweet.... (^.^)
the Zoo Negara or the National Zoo of Malaysia, is located in Selangor... and the place is awesome!!!!!!
the animals are superb! the guide tour is friendly and i wish to enjoy more Q's and A's than this one but, you know the lecturers team is with us, so it is sort of out-of-habit of me, to become talkative that day... wi..... :o

i love the aquarium the most! tha fish....!!!!!! what!!!!!! so big!!! and it is the first time, i watch the little penguinssss alive and dolphin, lions, lioness, a friendly black bear, a kangaroo-like animal(which use tail and 2 legs 2 walk), a BIG tortoise and all!!

dush! next time, insyaAllah, i will bring my family there! and mind, outside food can be taken into the zoo, and the family picnic is allowed there!!! so!!!!! let's have a picnic with the giraffes and zebras there, next time!!!

p/s> next time, i post the pictures..the net is slow..

Saturday, July 16, 2011

my first visit to Bangi by KTM Comuter (ways to start a journey when you never know how)

yesterday, i went to my cousin's house in Bangi, Selangor. she is my so-called cousin and the only one that lives nearby me in Shah Alam. currently she's pregnant her third child and is living in Bandar Seri Mahkota, Bangi.

however, i never went there alone (even with family... only couple of times...2..3..)  and luckily i had Ina as my company... hm.. if it happened that i lost, haha... i, at least had her along with me.

with only a hint of " u take the next stop after UKM", strong-heartedly, i paved my way at 10.30 am. u know, for 1 year i'm in shah alam, the only usual route i take is from KL Central to KLIA or KL Central to Shah Alam. see?? and i only used the KTM komuter twice! the one i used to go to Sunway Piramid with my friends...all 4..5 of us! and last week, for KL Central-Mid Valley one way stop.

hm...and now, i have to hurdle my way alone..since Ina also is clueless about the comuter KTM thingy.
hm... however, the people, the city hustle, the map, help us a lot.

hence, first thing to do when you don't know how to start your journey is by trying to reach a counter. regardless it is a Qs counter, a ticket counter or a police booth. as for me, i reached for a ticket counter and ask the lady in-charge about tickets to Bangi. it's cheap: RM 3.70 for 8 stops..8!!!

then, try looking for a map. in KL Central, you will immediately recognize it is a map when you are around the ticket counter and you see that there are a crowd of people looking at the same way, while thinking. you see, there are lots of maps around the counter but people basically love to look down than look up when they want to think. and people love newer things than the older things. that's normal. that's why people will go for the standing map at the left of the counter and newer looking one. that way you will straightly know that they are having the same problem as you are and maybe you can start asking them ways to get to Bangi, for example.  

if you are still unsure about the route, ask around. however, limit yourself only to the old lady, the woman with shopping bags or the people with travelling bags. since, for me, that kind of people, basically have a reasonable reason to be at the place. however, i have no intention of saying that free-hand people or younger people have no reasonable reason to be there, but we have to take precaution right.

and a reminder to the man or non-old-folks people, please....! if you are in a public transport, and there is a middle-aged woman, old folks, kids around you, give them seats. if you don't want to leave your comfortable zone, share them.... it make no harm by sharing... instead, it livens up your soul by sharing. sharing is caring. caring is loving. i really hate and 'menyampah' when a man, doesn't give the seat to the lady with 6-8 years old kid, which is standing right in front of him! hm... even though you are with your sweetheart, why don't you show a little social caring skills towards  the society. it give no harm to leave your sweetheart for awhile you know. even more, it will show your sweetheart that you care about your surrounding and you are a good man.your sweetheart will love you even more, then.


hence, for a conclusion, public transport is a safe transport for me and KTM Comuter will travel you safely and soundly if you know HOW to tackle it. the most important is buy the right ticket, memorize your stop's name and carefully look after your stuff. choose people when you want to ask Qs.

P/S: i still don't know how to tackle small kids, helpless and clueless...

Monday, July 11, 2011

the learning hour is here

for the fresh beginning of this new semester....err... intersession actually..(well, i still got module to cover in this one-month session), what i could have express here is that, i hope for the fresh start. i mean, for what i had been through last few weeks, i hoped that my colleagues will actually try to understand me.

Alhamdulillah, i got some that actually understand me and befriend with me like before. like, insyaAllah,  Ina, Zaf and Irah. they actually know that i sat for that supp exam and know everything that goes around me last month, but they don't say a word about it and i know they curious. just.... i am sorry, i am not fully prepared to answered your curiosity.. insyaAllah, when time pass by... insyaAllah.

for now, i have a role to play in, in the coming group presentation session..haha... even though i play a minor part... (haha, only to control the slide to edit the presentation thingy...haha, well, i don't have to do the drama part... Alhamdulillah, insyaAllah...), but we have to present it by next week... for 45 minutes presentation on title, INFECTIVE ENDOCARDITIS(ie)..

ie is like sort of bacteria implantation on your heart wall. hence, by time, for sure, it will narrow your heart lumen(blood vessel), and lead you to high blood pressure. then, from bp, you'll get heart attack, stroke (when it attack your brain's blood vessel), and on higher stage, you may die. 

so we have to be creative to present that topic to the colleagues and lecturers.. since, there's allocated marks included for the big2 exam in november and final bms(basic med sc) exam in may 2012, insyaAllah.

Colorful parachute against sky  - colorful_parachute

p/s: my aim to achieve for this new semesters, and next2 semesters: I WANT TO BE INVISIBLE. I WISH, THEY WILL STOP LOOKING AT ME, FOR ME, AND ME! i want this to be achievable, since i hope to be the least well-known girl in the faculty. i don't like people to know me....insyaAllah. i hate publicity!!!!!!!! why??? since it is ridiculous!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

selepas hurdle ak dah lalu bulan lepas, konklusi....

alhamdulillah....kami 11 orang pass exam ari tu, insyaAllah... firstly, time ak sapa shah alam, serius, x rs ak belong to this intersession prgm pun then ina la kata, tu sume pass, sambil tunjuk kat board, kat dean's office. serius...!!! ak rs x pecaya.. betul la kan...resepi kita nk success, DUIT, kita kena doa, usaha, sembahyang hajat slalu, Al-Quran jangan tinggal, then korang jgn slalu la duk depan pc kalu tgh study. sbb pun that kind of screen korang akan slalu terbawak2, ye la mula2, nk cari video muscle contraction. then tringat x bc ag update status kat dental gp fb. then mula la......

hm... dari 5 minit....jd 15 min..jd 1 H. isyak bru sedar.. reading x bt ag...

alhamdulillah.... insyaAllah, lps ni, kick off dgn modul respiration. so blaja lung la pulok. naseb baek modul dental material x start ag, alhamdulillah, sebab x ambek ag gigi2 kat klinik2 ari tu..mintak2 gigi wat dentist swasta kumpul byk elok2 and kurang cavity... amin... insyaAllah...sbb seganla nk mintak kongsi ngan budak2 ni... memang la dorang byk kot dpt gg, tp segan la kan... gg wat kumpul tu pun, nk guna sampai clinical year... hm...mesti masing2 sayang nk lps gg masing2 kan...

lagi... hm..ape ye jln paling selamat nk bg bro kita kawin cpt...haha...kesian... dia dikelilingi oleh orang2 yang dah tunang, dah kawin...and dia x de pun sapa2 ag a.k.a solo... haha...dia ok, insyaAllah, doktor lagi, laki dia rendah la sikit dalam kategori laki tp dia ok la... dia slalu sisuk, dri kecik, dia x duk ngan kami pun. dia bdk asrama, padan la kan,anak sulung, kena la blaja adab sikit... so dia x rapat la ngan kami. ngan other boys dlm family je dia ngam. sbb ak prefer my other brothers, walau ak slalu dibuli oleh abang ke-2 ku, tp x pe, at least, ak ad sidekick adik pertama ak...haha, dia jenis kool adek pertama ak ni, tp senyap2, hm... bt kes byk dri abang ke-2 ak wat nakal. haha... dia la first dalam family ad telibat dlm kes pukul budak, gantung skolah..haha...skolah asrama bai.... sorang bt hal, ramai cikgu nk ngajar...

so skrg abang sulong ak tgh meracau nk cri a wife, hm... tp at least dia ok ngan pompuan, hm...kalau ak la, ngan lelaki....... la, x brape elok kan kita pompuan rapat2 ngan laki... huh..nk ckp ngan dorang pun pikir 2 3 4 5 kali, hm..last2 mintak tlg member suh ckp ngan bdk2 tu..  at least, ak thu ak pompuan. and ak sedar malu tu memang patut pun untuk sorang pompuan.. pakai tudung pun, cover aurat pun... well, at least, kalau nnt during the judgmental day, in hereafter, kat akhirat, insyaAllah, at least, suruhan wajib orang pompuan ak dah bt.. so x de la kena soal, insyaAllah...AllahuA'lam... .
tggu orang masuk minang la jak.... haha.. x pe, insyaAllah, lambat ckit je tu...nnt2 dpt la tu...insyaAllah jak...ingat... the one wat mu akan kawin ni, is the first outsider tau, masuk jd menantu dlm family ni...haha... oh..the same goes to my sister, Amirah Aziz.. haha.. your marriageable age is around the corner.....agaknya la... guy mcm mane akak ak minat...haha...

hm...sedap ngata orang.... well, for me, during study age, means now until i am 23 24, insyaAllah, there will be no outsider guy(s) for me, except if it is destined that i gonna have early marriage... haha... konfom la tak kan... x nye bagi bos2 ak, ak kawin muda.. ngaji pun x menentu ag... dental chair pun ak x serve ag. so to the old flame wat ak penah ter-'suka', well, terpaksa pendam la 3 4 thun ni. hm... insyaAllah.. my heart truthfully, sebenarnya, dah terisi ngan benda2 lain... no more space for the other things to fill in.

my fav qoute for now, sayang manusia ditinggalkan, sayang harta dizakatkan, sayang binatang dilepaskan, syang Ilahi, berkekalan selamanya di dunia dan akhirat insyaAllah....

Monday, July 4, 2011

a calm sense of human???? ada ker???

hm...that day, right after i finished my exam, i decided that i need a break. out of everything. the world keeps spinning, never stop, hence, to stop myself being dragged by the fast-forwarded time, i should spend some time reflecting and rethinking, reconstructing my mind, to power up my will power and everything.

hence, i spent quite some time at my grand's pondok. means, sort of old folks house, (for the lady only) but not that sort of fierce nurses, wheelchair patients and all the TV shows us, but that sort of little2 house, in front of a interwoven hills, in the countryside, near the primary school, the mosque and away from the town. the place is so calm. the makcik there is so nice and each time, you get free meals... hehe... well the Rumah Orang Tua Nurul Saadah always received rice, donations and you know, there is also a cook  and the old ladies don't have to cook back at their house. the ladies are not like the ones we see on TV, because the ladies over there are always busy with tajwid class, Al-Quran class, Tauhid class and also activities like aerobics and social networking, like when outsiders come and visit the house, so they will have a feast and gather around to greet the people. well,they are forced to live there. but rather, they choose to live there. the place is so calm...

the ladies are free to do their own chores too. like, you can do your gardening and when you have extra something you share with the others. somehow it sound like you are in a small village, but only the time has slowed down for you, because, majority of the ladies walk slowly, using sticks and talk slowly. you feel like appreciating your youth when you see them.

my grandma, MOK TOK, always tell me that we have to be thankful for the long age Allah lend us, not just that, be thankful for the health Allah lend us. it maybe someday, Allah want it return to Him, we have to be prepared for that. her long age, (~70-80 something...) is a miracle for her, for her conditions is like a tide, but for me, she is a strong lady. she has been through many hardships since young and my grandpa, has passed away long ago, but there she is, planting the trees, walking up and down her former house, back and forth to her old-age relatives and i know, she is feeling like it will be soon her time to ga, since many of our relatives, on her age, mostly have passed away. but it is true right that our time is  shorten on every second it passed.

hence, it is not just her, but us to start doing good deeds for our share in the hereafter.

(dush...x de gambar la nak tunjuk....haha... k..insyaAllah, lain kali...)