
Sunday, December 26, 2010


wahaha......ak dah bejaya bli bj wat slame ni ak haye mampu tgk je..
ok la
lawa kot...
kain cam keras2 ckit cam askar x pe..ak suke
i know
many will be coming real soon
ok bj second wat ak bli wat mcm wat ak idam2
haha...msti siblings ak tekejut kot ak pakai baju gn
with inner la...
of COZ!!

hri tu masa ak g majlis mak sdare ak kat kb
ank spupu ak pun tegur
dia kata nmpk laen ak pakai bj ni sgla bagai
of coz la...mane penah ak pakai bj mcm ni
tp ak rs bes bab
bj ni labuh n bile ak buang belt dia
x la ketat mcm wat kita nmpk
tp still kena kurus sssssikitttt
ok la...
ak akn hunting for more dress labuh mcm ni lagi
stylo but islamic jgk...
kasi tutup sampai bwh k...

ps....ak x th pulak gmbr akn senget sgl bagai...sori...hehe..

Saturday, December 25, 2010

wic ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ak dah a spesis jrg usha brg lme2...
ye la..kalu dah tekad + bekenan tu sentap je la...
but this time..
it's very different
the thing i want to buy is a mp player + camera
firstly i want an ipod touch...
x murah tau...
tp ak thu sound build sony bes lg wei
reality kot...
bebelah bhg ni...

ak wat dah la resec c2 cn
sony memg bes kalu sound dia
tebaek a wei
tp haga dia ngan ipod lbih kureng je wei
plus ipod ade HD video...
er when it's video is only 0.7
tp sony xseries x de camera kot!
plus app dia pun x byk..
ipod lebih thn lame battery dia
skrin pun lawa
tp ipod x support camera fx ok...
only screenshot je dia ambek..

susah sgt ke nk cri mp3 plus camera fx
ade tu memg ade.....kat light in the
ok la murah dia...dlm 44.99 usd or around RM140..with free shipping

tp ak sure ag...x bincg ag ngan big bro...
tp ak thu..aim ak adalah mp3 and camera...
so bt ms skrg...ak nk doa...
moga2 sony wat kuar a device that ada build in mp3 mp5 player with camera function

P/S....not YOUR DREAM...MY dream...!!!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

sedih....haih!angin btul rasenye...

hei manusia.....
semua x sempurna....manela ade org sempurna...
hanye Allah SWT je wat sempurna
what do you expect....
even when there's something happen
even when there's only a little tiny lophole
why can't just everyone accept it and forget
why must everyone got so stress over it

think la wei...
everybody make mistake
from mistakes la kita blaja
kita jdi mature
x nk bt salah
g gua la...x pun g alaska
duk sane sorg2
even kat sane the occupants of that place x sure ag trime you ke x
x leh ke everyone just forgive and forget

besar sgt ke mistake tu
perlu ke ungkit2
perlu ke bt org trase sana sini
perlu ke ulang ayat ame
perlu ke
PERLU KER???!!!!

kita kn blaja accept orang laen the way they are
kita x same mcmdorg
we can't expect them to be like us
they have their own lives...

huh...sedarlah wahai manusia bhw stp manusia itu berbeza2
ade hidung ade mata ade tlinga
tp laen2 hati n jantung k


Monday, December 20, 2010

2010 to 2011

waah............lagi 10 hri kot nk msuk up to today, penat gler la wei...hri2 rutin g klas at 8, blik at, mandi...stud gp at 6, finish at 7.15...then what to life began at 8...
why?? ye la...ak free utk bce buku2 cter at 8 je...bc stori books, makan, kacau coffee 3-in-1...biarlah...bak kata org...better have some than donot at all.. ak dah besyukur abih dah kot..

hm...actuallt arini ak ada a few qs utk ak taye diri ak..nice to know..ak student this one faculty wat ak X PENAH pikir nk jejak pun...but somehow tickling my days with the seniors, classmate and dean today...ak somehow wondering..why am i here?? what is actuaaly my aim when ak enter this fac..i don't mind the toughness of the course..(er....x..slh tu..ak mind wei...sgt2..) but why this course!!! ape aim ak dlm sehari2 ak hidup la..of coz aim kita sebagai manusia nk hamabkan diri kat ak still don't get it when ari tu ak terclick the application for this fac and why ak bargain about this fac to my bro and family...

ape fokus ak sebenarnye...arini..ak dgr kat radio pg2 kul 7++ kat kita kn ada fokus dlm life ni. the penceramah bg contoh...kat this one paper ad satu je titik hitam and that paper is innocently plain white colour. all students, when are being asked about what they see at the paper, they say that they saw a tiny little dot..thenit happened that this sorg budak..angkat tangan and kata dia nmpk ketas a4 putih.see the an aim in our life akan change our every little point we have towards somthing....

nk thu pun kat radio...the same penceramah stress that the 1st sight love is not quite exist..(er..asal ak wat msuk contoh nih...ei......)actually it all start with the 1st impression you made to someone.kita msti kata 1st impression is everything it is...btul...bab kalau kita dah aim kat that someone...everything kita nampak adalah ape wt kita nk nmpak...see?? so kita CHOOSE to see what we want to see.. then mulalah kita kata tu love at 1st sight...haha..mgarut je..(opps...sori kpd sape2 wat trase...ssghnye ape wat ak tulis adalah hasil tgn ak btul tgn ni..)

so tulah....we choose what we want to be, we aim at it straigtforward and go strive for it...sbb x rugi kalau kita strive at something even when everyone kata that's impossible la....bab sebab this same reason la jgk mentol ada, Istanbul Islam punyer, Perang Khandak kita menang and just don't forget....ples..ALLAH slalu ad dgn kita walau time tu kita x igt kat DIA see?? you never alone..even when everybody leave you, kita still ad ALLAH and kalau kita kita beriman dlm erti sbnr2 nya.. org2 mukmin yang khusyuk solatnya pun bersama kita...cuma kita x penah sedar.


Friday, December 17, 2010

best sgt....

haha... td jalan2 ngan Sarah g SACC PKNS tasik shah alam....bes....bukan ape...1st time kot ak g tsik tuh... then seingt ak last ak g tasik time kat kmpp aritu...
ak dah sukses membeli buku2 ape wat selama ini ak dream la...dulu duet x de sgt...nk mintak ngan parents...malas... nk simpan mesti g bli mknn gok duet ak simpan skrang...walau x ak dpt gak beli buku Hlovate, sophie nk bli for one more day tu dah author ;p ....HAH!Mitch Albom...bes wei..ak dah bace dah sikit kat umah kwn aku x abis la... but then that price at that time as compared to when i buy online at is to say.....mahal la...sbb duet pun x brape ckup...(kena bajet kot...) sem bru nk stat...dah la duet sem ni x msuk2 ag..... tp x pe...ak dah puas hati..

hm...cuti mggu esok ni..ak dah ade aim dah...hehe...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


heartbreaker btul la kamu ni....







hepi bile kamu dah tamat

nk marah kamu pun rs x ptt

bab x slh kamu pun

x baik kan kalau kita slalu salah kan org laen


preparation x ckup kot

nota wat dlm >/ 150 amouts tu...aku x smpt hafal words by words kot


sesy ke ak kat fakulti ni

ak still lg taye soklan ni

hmpir stiap hri

tgk member klas sume mcm IQ over 180 above

and ak x sapa 180 pun

memg jauh la...


tiba je rase cam nk tukar kos

parents ak nnt tkejut ke ei...

tp ak rs dorg ok je

bab prinsip dorg

biar children choose the lives they want

this is one thing ak respect my parents

kos ape ei....ak nk tukar

i'm thinking about math

maybe pure math or aktuari


Saturday, November 13, 2010



At last!

The 1st pro exam is here

I still have lots to read..

Physiology, biochem,pathology,pharmacology, micrology,anatomy,oral biology

But still now!


I feel really shame of myself!!

Very different from when I was at college a year ago


I should have done better!!!



WHY CAN’T YOU!!!??!!!!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

exam progress test(pt)...

oh....i am crap tis an exam to look forward for the end of the week...everyone is like crazy sort of person....struggling and struggling...well i understand their feeling...don't want to be the ones left behind rite...especially when the person that is in my course is the cream of the my pharmacology lecturer adressed us during her lecture clas....well i still have lot to read, to memorize, to understand....i have cover half of it i guessed....oh...still have lot to go with...ya Allah....dalam bulan pose ni...berikanlah aku kekuatan dan ketabahan yang berkekalan....ya Allah hanya padaMu aku berharap...
exam ni walau nmpk x penting mane pun tpi ni la satu2 nya exm yang kami ada utk uji thp penguasaan kami kat bidg kami ambk ni...ari tu 1st test pun x lulus so it made me start thinking...can i survive this tough course....i realllllly do not know...the reason i take this course is that i want to have lot of money so that i can go travelling around the globe, spreading smiles and help those that're in need....i can't be exactly like the actors in Adam Patches movie..but @ les i want to be partially like him,the md student,for i'm not a md student but a bds student....

Monday, August 23, 2010 and love

happen to watch a drama series just now..the best friend of hers marry her fiancee'....oh...if that similar thing happen to me, i really do not know how in the world can i face it...the drama is epilog syurga cinta...the drama is sort of the cute one, with the childish love and all that.but the story is interesting...well, at least it can make my eyes stick to the story for almost the free time i have...
the girl was very strong...she seek her true love and really loved her fiancee' but he is sort of impatience with all the commitment the girl holds...pity's really lucky that a rich man fall in love with her unexpectedly...
i really start to think about this...if this similar situation hit me,how would i react...

oh...and 2morow i have a comp's 00.25 am and i am wide awake to read all the slide thoroughly tonite...just pray for me that i will do better this time...

Friday, August 20, 2010

please pRay 4 my sUCceSS....
i really am desperate rite now..y??? jus give me time...i'll tell about ot later rite..

Monday, August 2, 2010

nak pose dah....

Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Mengasihi dan Maha Menyayangi.....
hehe....dah nak puasa dah kita umat Islam nih...
seronoknyer....8.8.10 nih....bulan Ramadhan pun dah nak start...huhu...
wat kan i say is that we should welcome this coming fasting month since it is our once in the whole year that we spend our day time to appreciate the very many gifts Allah SWT give to us...
this month i would like to do as much tahajjud as possible since i'm afraid that i will not meet the following Ramadhan the year afterwards.InsyaAllah.
i also would like to perform solat sunat dhuha and solat sunat terawih as many as that.i want to read Al-Quran every morning and zikr as many as i can...
i want to perform khusyuk solat every time i solat. i really want to see changes in myself.
i want to be a better person, better than now!!!!!
Ya Allah, please greet my doa and i really want to be better.
Ya Allah Ya Karim
Ya Allah Ya Rahman Ya Rahim
hopefully my aims for this coming fasting month will come true...

Saturday, July 31, 2010

KaKikU oH kaKiKu...

hari ni...aku terlibat dlm satu xcdent...

huh...kaki aku wat xcdent xtually...

kakiku d pijak oleh tayar kereta kelisa...kot...wat wana hitam...aduh..sakit sgt...

air mataku jtuh x tetahan...aku kesian kwn aku yang menemniku di kala itu...

dia menyalahkan dirinya..huh kesian azwa...rumate aku pulok trik muka ngan aku bab aku x story2 ngan dia psl bnd nih...huh...sape yg xcdent nih...konfius...

Thursday, July 29, 2010


huh...ari ni 1st exam aku kat uitM nih..
SuMEr concentrate THp aPE nTah.bgus sgT bdK2 nI....Tp AKU MuDAh SgT MenGaNtUk...bC bUkU pUN seMpat aG aku SengguT2...hrP2....Kul 11 aRi ni...SumE beRakHir nGan SgT cEpAT dan SmoOtH sGT!!!!k...JGn luPe doAkan AkU k.

Monday, July 26, 2010


hm....mLm nI nisFu SYaaBAn.....
huhu...dah nk dekat pose dah....
exam aku pun dah nok dekat sgt2...
mlm ni malaikat akan angkat buku amalan kita yg stahun tu dan akan ganti dgn yang baru,
mlm ni jugak.....ALLAH SWT akan memerhatikan hamba2 DIA wat taat dan bersedia mengampunkan dosa2 hamba2NYA yang bertaubat except yang syirik.huh...tkut...harap2 dpt sempat sampai RAMADHAN....nak sgt rs kemeriahan RAMADHAN dan SYAWAL lg skali...

Thursday, June 17, 2010


i am not sure....really...the upu result is supposed to come up today...yersterday i just returned from the perak for the interview of perak college but today....a surprise is awaiting me....huh...i really don't know how to face this....i want to cry....everyone look up at me, expecting me to do the same boom2 course like what my bro had done once...but i am different from himmm.....really......i am sort of different person compared to him....who am i....only me and Him know it...nobody really seem to understand me...i am stressed out. only yesterday, my sis and parents fighted over my upu result.... i really has no allies here.i really hope i could go far2222222 away from here, so that i don't have to hear anymore rows...oh please......stop this crazy fantasy my family created for me....i really do not want to live in this house anymore...please...

Monday, June 14, 2010


SkRunK TgH nOk tggU rEsuK upu...huhu...
tak tAhu lA....
hElp Me.......
hMM....i dIdN't hOpe mUch...

bUt EverYbOdy wAnt wHat iT is BesT fOr them rite....

Sunday, December 26, 2010


wahaha......ak dah bejaya bli bj wat slame ni ak haye mampu tgk je..
ok la
lawa kot...
kain cam keras2 ckit cam askar x pe..ak suke
i know
many will be coming real soon
ok bj second wat ak bli wat mcm wat ak idam2
haha...msti siblings ak tekejut kot ak pakai baju gn
with inner la...
of COZ!!

hri tu masa ak g majlis mak sdare ak kat kb
ank spupu ak pun tegur
dia kata nmpk laen ak pakai bj ni sgla bagai
of coz la...mane penah ak pakai bj mcm ni
tp ak rs bes bab
bj ni labuh n bile ak buang belt dia
x la ketat mcm wat kita nmpk
tp still kena kurus sssssikitttt
ok la...
ak akn hunting for more dress labuh mcm ni lagi
stylo but islamic jgk...
kasi tutup sampai bwh k...

ps....ak x th pulak gmbr akn senget sgl bagai...sori...hehe..

Saturday, December 25, 2010

wic ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ak dah a spesis jrg usha brg lme2...
ye la..kalu dah tekad + bekenan tu sentap je la...
but this time..
it's very different
the thing i want to buy is a mp player + camera
firstly i want an ipod touch...
x murah tau...
tp ak thu sound build sony bes lg wei
reality kot...
bebelah bhg ni...

ak wat dah la resec c2 cn
sony memg bes kalu sound dia
tebaek a wei
tp haga dia ngan ipod lbih kureng je wei
plus ipod ade HD video...
er when it's video is only 0.7
tp sony xseries x de camera kot!
plus app dia pun x byk..
ipod lebih thn lame battery dia
skrin pun lawa
tp ipod x support camera fx ok...
only screenshot je dia ambek..

susah sgt ke nk cri mp3 plus camera fx
ade tu memg ade.....kat light in the
ok la murah dia...dlm 44.99 usd or around RM140..with free shipping

tp ak sure ag...x bincg ag ngan big bro...
tp ak thu..aim ak adalah mp3 and camera...
so bt ms skrg...ak nk doa...
moga2 sony wat kuar a device that ada build in mp3 mp5 player with camera function

P/S....not YOUR DREAM...MY dream...!!!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

sedih....haih!angin btul rasenye...

hei manusia.....
semua x sempurna....manela ade org sempurna...
hanye Allah SWT je wat sempurna
what do you expect....
even when there's something happen
even when there's only a little tiny lophole
why can't just everyone accept it and forget
why must everyone got so stress over it

think la wei...
everybody make mistake
from mistakes la kita blaja
kita jdi mature
x nk bt salah
g gua la...x pun g alaska
duk sane sorg2
even kat sane the occupants of that place x sure ag trime you ke x
x leh ke everyone just forgive and forget

besar sgt ke mistake tu
perlu ke ungkit2
perlu ke bt org trase sana sini
perlu ke ulang ayat ame
perlu ke
PERLU KER???!!!!

kita kn blaja accept orang laen the way they are
kita x same mcmdorg
we can't expect them to be like us
they have their own lives...

huh...sedarlah wahai manusia bhw stp manusia itu berbeza2
ade hidung ade mata ade tlinga
tp laen2 hati n jantung k


Monday, December 20, 2010

2010 to 2011

waah............lagi 10 hri kot nk msuk up to today, penat gler la wei...hri2 rutin g klas at 8, blik at, mandi...stud gp at 6, finish at 7.15...then what to life began at 8...
why?? ye la...ak free utk bce buku2 cter at 8 je...bc stori books, makan, kacau coffee 3-in-1...biarlah...bak kata org...better have some than donot at all.. ak dah besyukur abih dah kot..

hm...actuallt arini ak ada a few qs utk ak taye diri ak..nice to know..ak student this one faculty wat ak X PENAH pikir nk jejak pun...but somehow tickling my days with the seniors, classmate and dean today...ak somehow wondering..why am i here?? what is actuaaly my aim when ak enter this fac..i don't mind the toughness of the course..(er....x..slh tu..ak mind wei...sgt2..) but why this course!!! ape aim ak dlm sehari2 ak hidup la..of coz aim kita sebagai manusia nk hamabkan diri kat ak still don't get it when ari tu ak terclick the application for this fac and why ak bargain about this fac to my bro and family...

ape fokus ak sebenarnye...arini..ak dgr kat radio pg2 kul 7++ kat kita kn ada fokus dlm life ni. the penceramah bg contoh...kat this one paper ad satu je titik hitam and that paper is innocently plain white colour. all students, when are being asked about what they see at the paper, they say that they saw a tiny little dot..thenit happened that this sorg budak..angkat tangan and kata dia nmpk ketas a4 putih.see the an aim in our life akan change our every little point we have towards somthing....

nk thu pun kat radio...the same penceramah stress that the 1st sight love is not quite exist..(er..asal ak wat msuk contoh nih...ei......)actually it all start with the 1st impression you made to someone.kita msti kata 1st impression is everything it is...btul...bab kalau kita dah aim kat that someone...everything kita nampak adalah ape wt kita nk nmpak...see?? so kita CHOOSE to see what we want to see.. then mulalah kita kata tu love at 1st sight...haha..mgarut je..(opps...sori kpd sape2 wat trase...ssghnye ape wat ak tulis adalah hasil tgn ak btul tgn ni..)

so tulah....we choose what we want to be, we aim at it straigtforward and go strive for it...sbb x rugi kalau kita strive at something even when everyone kata that's impossible la....bab sebab this same reason la jgk mentol ada, Istanbul Islam punyer, Perang Khandak kita menang and just don't forget....ples..ALLAH slalu ad dgn kita walau time tu kita x igt kat DIA see?? you never alone..even when everybody leave you, kita still ad ALLAH and kalau kita kita beriman dlm erti sbnr2 nya.. org2 mukmin yang khusyuk solatnya pun bersama kita...cuma kita x penah sedar.


Friday, December 17, 2010

best sgt....

haha... td jalan2 ngan Sarah g SACC PKNS tasik shah alam....bes....bukan ape...1st time kot ak g tsik tuh... then seingt ak last ak g tasik time kat kmpp aritu...
ak dah sukses membeli buku2 ape wat selama ini ak dream la...dulu duet x de sgt...nk mintak ngan parents...malas... nk simpan mesti g bli mknn gok duet ak simpan skrang...walau x ak dpt gak beli buku Hlovate, sophie nk bli for one more day tu dah author ;p ....HAH!Mitch Albom...bes wei..ak dah bace dah sikit kat umah kwn aku x abis la... but then that price at that time as compared to when i buy online at is to say.....mahal la...sbb duet pun x brape ckup...(kena bajet kot...) sem bru nk stat...dah la duet sem ni x msuk2 ag..... tp x pe...ak dah puas hati..

hm...cuti mggu esok ni..ak dah ade aim dah...hehe...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


heartbreaker btul la kamu ni....







hepi bile kamu dah tamat

nk marah kamu pun rs x ptt

bab x slh kamu pun

x baik kan kalau kita slalu salah kan org laen


preparation x ckup kot

nota wat dlm >/ 150 amouts tu...aku x smpt hafal words by words kot


sesy ke ak kat fakulti ni

ak still lg taye soklan ni

hmpir stiap hri

tgk member klas sume mcm IQ over 180 above

and ak x sapa 180 pun

memg jauh la...


tiba je rase cam nk tukar kos

parents ak nnt tkejut ke ei...

tp ak rs dorg ok je

bab prinsip dorg

biar children choose the lives they want

this is one thing ak respect my parents

kos ape ei....ak nk tukar

i'm thinking about math

maybe pure math or aktuari


Saturday, November 13, 2010



At last!

The 1st pro exam is here

I still have lots to read..

Physiology, biochem,pathology,pharmacology, micrology,anatomy,oral biology

But still now!


I feel really shame of myself!!

Very different from when I was at college a year ago


I should have done better!!!



WHY CAN’T YOU!!!??!!!!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

exam progress test(pt)...

oh....i am crap tis an exam to look forward for the end of the week...everyone is like crazy sort of person....struggling and struggling...well i understand their feeling...don't want to be the ones left behind rite...especially when the person that is in my course is the cream of the my pharmacology lecturer adressed us during her lecture clas....well i still have lot to read, to memorize, to understand....i have cover half of it i guessed....oh...still have lot to go with...ya Allah....dalam bulan pose ni...berikanlah aku kekuatan dan ketabahan yang berkekalan....ya Allah hanya padaMu aku berharap...
exam ni walau nmpk x penting mane pun tpi ni la satu2 nya exm yang kami ada utk uji thp penguasaan kami kat bidg kami ambk ni...ari tu 1st test pun x lulus so it made me start thinking...can i survive this tough course....i realllllly do not know...the reason i take this course is that i want to have lot of money so that i can go travelling around the globe, spreading smiles and help those that're in need....i can't be exactly like the actors in Adam Patches movie..but @ les i want to be partially like him,the md student,for i'm not a md student but a bds student....

Monday, August 23, 2010 and love

happen to watch a drama series just now..the best friend of hers marry her fiancee'....oh...if that similar thing happen to me, i really do not know how in the world can i face it...the drama is epilog syurga cinta...the drama is sort of the cute one, with the childish love and all that.but the story is interesting...well, at least it can make my eyes stick to the story for almost the free time i have...
the girl was very strong...she seek her true love and really loved her fiancee' but he is sort of impatience with all the commitment the girl holds...pity's really lucky that a rich man fall in love with her unexpectedly...
i really start to think about this...if this similar situation hit me,how would i react...

oh...and 2morow i have a comp's 00.25 am and i am wide awake to read all the slide thoroughly tonite...just pray for me that i will do better this time...

Friday, August 20, 2010

please pRay 4 my sUCceSS....
i really am desperate rite now..y??? jus give me time...i'll tell about ot later rite..

Monday, August 2, 2010

nak pose dah....

Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Mengasihi dan Maha Menyayangi.....
hehe....dah nak puasa dah kita umat Islam nih...
seronoknyer....8.8.10 nih....bulan Ramadhan pun dah nak start...huhu...
wat kan i say is that we should welcome this coming fasting month since it is our once in the whole year that we spend our day time to appreciate the very many gifts Allah SWT give to us...
this month i would like to do as much tahajjud as possible since i'm afraid that i will not meet the following Ramadhan the year afterwards.InsyaAllah.
i also would like to perform solat sunat dhuha and solat sunat terawih as many as that.i want to read Al-Quran every morning and zikr as many as i can...
i want to perform khusyuk solat every time i solat. i really want to see changes in myself.
i want to be a better person, better than now!!!!!
Ya Allah, please greet my doa and i really want to be better.
Ya Allah Ya Karim
Ya Allah Ya Rahman Ya Rahim
hopefully my aims for this coming fasting month will come true...

Saturday, July 31, 2010

KaKikU oH kaKiKu...

hari ni...aku terlibat dlm satu xcdent...

huh...kaki aku wat xcdent xtually...

kakiku d pijak oleh tayar kereta kelisa...kot...wat wana hitam...aduh..sakit sgt...

air mataku jtuh x tetahan...aku kesian kwn aku yang menemniku di kala itu...

dia menyalahkan dirinya..huh kesian azwa...rumate aku pulok trik muka ngan aku bab aku x story2 ngan dia psl bnd nih...huh...sape yg xcdent nih...konfius...

Thursday, July 29, 2010


huh...ari ni 1st exam aku kat uitM nih..
SuMEr concentrate THp aPE nTah.bgus sgT bdK2 nI....Tp AKU MuDAh SgT MenGaNtUk...bC bUkU pUN seMpat aG aku SengguT2...hrP2....Kul 11 aRi ni...SumE beRakHir nGan SgT cEpAT dan SmoOtH sGT!!!!k...JGn luPe doAkan AkU k.

Monday, July 26, 2010


hm....mLm nI nisFu SYaaBAn.....
huhu...dah nk dekat pose dah....
exam aku pun dah nok dekat sgt2...
mlm ni malaikat akan angkat buku amalan kita yg stahun tu dan akan ganti dgn yang baru,
mlm ni jugak.....ALLAH SWT akan memerhatikan hamba2 DIA wat taat dan bersedia mengampunkan dosa2 hamba2NYA yang bertaubat except yang syirik.huh...tkut...harap2 dpt sempat sampai RAMADHAN....nak sgt rs kemeriahan RAMADHAN dan SYAWAL lg skali...

Thursday, June 17, 2010


i am not sure....really...the upu result is supposed to come up today...yersterday i just returned from the perak for the interview of perak college but today....a surprise is awaiting me....huh...i really don't know how to face this....i want to cry....everyone look up at me, expecting me to do the same boom2 course like what my bro had done once...but i am different from himmm.....really......i am sort of different person compared to him....who am i....only me and Him know it...nobody really seem to understand me...i am stressed out. only yesterday, my sis and parents fighted over my upu result.... i really has no allies here.i really hope i could go far2222222 away from here, so that i don't have to hear anymore rows...oh please......stop this crazy fantasy my family created for me....i really do not want to live in this house anymore...please...

Monday, June 14, 2010


SkRunK TgH nOk tggU rEsuK upu...huhu...
tak tAhu lA....
hElp Me.......
hMM....i dIdN't hOpe mUch...

bUt EverYbOdy wAnt wHat iT is BesT fOr them rite....