
Friday, February 25, 2011

it has been a hectic week

this week sgttttttttttttttttt sibuk tau! class memang la finish at 4 0r 5 the new module memang challenging nyer module la! kami kena hafal nama2 muscle kat upper limb tau.
eh! nk kongsi sikit....tau x kenapa time kita nangis, ada hingus kat hidung...sebabnyer... ada duct wat hubung, eyes nyer air mata duct ngan sinus kat hidung...sinus ni, mcm cavity tau! kita nyer mucous kat hidung ade kat dlm ni la! and kenapa bile kita mature, suare kita brubah? sebab, ada satu part kat hidung ni, name dia parasinus. time kita kecik...dia x kembang elok ag, then upon puberty, dia kind of berkembang and mature la...then, the air passage dlm tu(dia mcm cavity kan...sinus ni) more advanced la...that's why la, suare, everything happen with cause and are not a mere thing k!

aduh! ape ni....cter psl bnda ni! tp x pe kan?? still ilmu, dan ilmu patut dikongsi. besar pahala tu, kalau kita kongsi ilmu tau! ilmu bermanfaat membawa syafaat kat kita time kita kat kubur nnti tau!

ok....skrg, ak dah jadi engineer printer x bertauliah. ak dah byk kali baiki printer ak sdiri wei. ak pun sbnrnya  bru lepas hbis baiki ni. well, hri tu dia rosak ag, and ak mls baiki at that time sbb time tu sibuk nk exam kan? so, ade masa petang ni, ak baiki la kejap. my bff bru beli printer actually.. so since sumer orang tgh kalut ngan printer, x kan la ak nyer printer wat hiasan je kan? so, ape ag, ak kena baiki la ni! x kan la ak nk depends print note ak kat dorang je...memg la dorang bff ak, sekepala, tp.... x bes la kan? asyik dok print kat bilik orang je... printer sdiri ade, x berguna...aduh! sakit2....walau ak x brape suke bdk2 engine, tp ak rs ilmu studi dorang amat beguna kot kat hidup daily kita. especially kalau wat ambek automotive tu kan...memang begune abeh la ngan kita...senang je wat praktikal kat kete sdiri...haha... sronok2... suke gile machine!
know what! ak bru discover myself...actually ak suke keje ngan machine dri duk ngadap manusia! that's why i'm not good to be a what to do now! x pe...ak rs ak nk plan hidup ak so that ak x perlu duk ngadap people always...segan satu hal!malu satu hal! so, maybe next journey nnt, ak nk strive for a dental pathologist kat lab je kot...x yah ngadap human, hari2 ngadap machine electron microcsope ngan bacteria je....haha...nyaman nyer hidup....ok!
hm.... hapi weekend!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

my first long-journey back with train

wat could i said....the journey was ok lah... not least, bile sampai, matahari dah naek atas kepala dah...tak la macam naek bas kan...? sampai je, gelap ak prefer flight or train la pas ni...haha...(mcm bos2 ak bg je..) ok..train dri QLATE ke KL central was overall not bad(2 star rated from me). why?? ok.i have a few question and critics. the lights were on all the time, the kids keep yelling and crying and all that push me to press high volume of my mplayer.the train was not stable..why it keeps making me felling dizzy?and the non-smokers zone!why are the men are allowed to smoke? ok!i knew they smoke at the back of the train compartment but why are they allowed to smoke, still! in the train? the children were there, the ladies were as for me, i really could not stand smokers and smoking. they made me feel uneasy and dizzy. imagine, with the train like that, plus the smell and kids, and all, ok...i was not ok last night.
but chill la thirah...first time in the train...memanglah kan....hahaha
but then, i was really grateful. i got to know the kl central and the way to travel from there and the place next time, kalau ak sorang pun, x sesat kot...insyaAllah.. ^^
then, in the U80 bus, from kl central to shah alam, sek 2, i met this person.a man, but he was wearing a jubah, and a kopiah...then i made comparison between me and him. very a lot ,ok!! hahah...i feel humiliated. mcm mane la nak brubah jadi baek ni...bab kadang2 kita rasa kita dah baek, tutp aurat ape sumer, but then, we still have to questions we practise ISLAM as a way of life?? ISLAM is a way of life.things that are being stated in AL-QURAN and SUNNAH RASUL are the best things for all of us.some of us, do not practise them.and we can see the result of that.their lives are unhealthy.they can say that their lives are perfect. and then, ask them to define perfect. are wearing jewels and driving lamborghini is a perfect lifestyle? do having lots of money, a perfect lifestyle?
bear in mind, money is not everything in our lives. we, in fact, risk our whole lives, when we put money as a priority in our lives. we struggle in working in everyday of our lives, and at the end of the day, or months, we have money. see? money have made us a slave! ok...i know, money is important so that we have comfortable life.fullstop! comfortable life! no need to bargain for a perfect life when we mentions about money.. money never promise a perfect only promise us materials and apparatus.but the way of living with it, ISLAM is still the best way of lives.
ISLAM teaches us the way to cope with problems, to manage our times, to build a family, and all. i would like to suggest a website here.
 i am also in the phase of readjusting myself to be a better muslimah.
because what i believe is that i decorate my own life the way it moves everyday.
and the AKHIRAT(the judgement day) will be here in no time.
remember, we are running out of time here. ALLAH is the ALMIGHTY, HE knows the best for all of us.
changes for good is never too late because late is way better than the never.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

this is my best midsem break EVER!!!!

when i write EVER, i really mean EVER!!! seriously, bessssssssss sggttttt.. hm..maybe because i got my chance to go to places that i want to, maybe because i got what i wanted, maybe because i meet with people that i want to meet!
serious bessssstttttttttt. i got my new bike ak kayuh la mane2 tempat ak rs nk gi...hahah
ak rs besst lg sebab ak jumpa blik best fren2 ak time ak skoloh, time kat matrik, and kat u la kan...x ramai pun... dlm 2 3 org je for me, jumpa dorang tu dah cukup dah kot... bab for me, the journey i have taken in my way to meet them is what most important..... ak dah x takut dah naek bas sorang2(slaen ngan bas express la...i mean local bus) bab ak thu...dlm bas tu...bukan ak saje wat nak g tepat tu and shockingly, route ke no bus ke... local people memg dah hafal kan...taye je la sape2 wat ade gaya mcm tggu bas tu kan... konfom dorang akan thu bas ape nk gi mane...walau bas wat kita taye tu bukan bus dorang...first2 ak mcm cuak gak la...blh caye ke makcik ni, ckp bas nk g kuala krai, bas no ak taye pulak pakcik pun ckp benda same la wei....haha.... bukan skali dua jd wei...byk kali...hahaha...ok la...ak ngalah la kalau hal2 wat psl transport awam ak tekad! biarla ak sokmo naek awam nye transport pun, lagi better kot dri duk gantung2 kat orang...
ak prefer lagi, kuar umah, pakai cap, nek basikal, bwk backpack, jalan2 kat area2 umah ak...jauh2 la sikit...kat bandar ke for example...bwk botol, cri klinik gg....hahaha...sronok.... walau ak dpt 3 klinik je...x pe...len kali leh cuba ag...(aceh...gaya ckp mcm ak ade lg cuti panjang je...)
lagi wat bes break well... game ak kat ipod, game farm story ngan city story dah ade neighbour....siap dia bg gift lagi..hahaha... dlm tu je la...bes2.. ak enjoy kot la orang pggil lagha kan..but actually, zombie cafe lg bes...bab korang leh maen tanpa guna internet maen je la...kat mane2 korang nk maen. mcm ak, kat stesen bas pun ak bantai maen je...kat marry brown..kat..depan kedai runcit untie chinese time ak tgh tggu driver, ak maen gak.. tp aritu ak malu sgt..ak tgk mat saleh...2 orang la...laki pompuan. then ak pikir, dorang mai cn mesti nk tgk gaya hidup orang cn kan..kalu ak jadi dorang  pun ak nk tgk gaya hidup tmpt wat ak g tuh...then ak tgk pakaian ak...bnda ape wat mencerminkan ak ni orang QLate..ak pakai snicker, pegang ipod, SE handphone, pakai jeans, walau bj labuh, tudung labuh pun... dorang mesti kecewa kan.. kalu ak, ak smirk je..ceh! wat penat je mai jauh2 tgk orang2 local pakai bnda wat agak same mcm orang country kita pakai. then sblm tu ag actually..ak dah rs laen..ak duk kat dlm bas, bas jln la kan...then brenti kat 1 2 tempat ambek orang2 wat thn bas...then, msuk la orang bru atas bas tu... sorang msuk, bj kurung..ok.. sorang ag msuk bj kurung ag..k.lagi msuk, bj lagi msuk...baju kurung!ok...that time, ak memg respek ae bdk2 QLATE! walau ak bdk QLATE pun, ak kureng pakai bj kurung...kat asrama la..kalau ak mls pakai T-shirt n x de bj nk pakai. tp bdk Qlate memg superb! ak shopping kat parkson pun, jarang la jumpa bdk2 wat pakai bj slaen bj kurung..bgs la...ak wat dah pakai bj paras lutut pun rs segan wei... bj kurung tu...memang melayu terakhir ade kat KELANTAN la wei...x muka je lawa, adab bdk2 ni pun ok wei..ak tgk rendah diri, ramah, baek lak tu.. aduh...segan la...QLATE memang terbaek la dlm mendidik bdk2 girls baek2 ni..
ok enough about that
hm...smlm first time guna mask...orang suh guna 15 minit je..ak guna 4 jam...tu la...telajak tido sapa kul 4 lebih bru bgn... ptt la mimpi psl trik2 muka,, kupas kulit muka, then behind....hehe...shiny2 skin... adoyai! hampeh nye mimpi... (-.-')

only still blh terbang mane tu..??? 
so manusia..only flesh and blood, tp insyaAllah, kita blh dream high and achieve many things...

row row row your boat
gently down the stream 
merrily merrily merrily
life is but a dream!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

this is my first LOMO LOMO

i got this LOMO LOMO app on my ipod touch... at first, i was quite wonder tau...macam mane nk guna bnda alah ni... then main snap je la...haha...tgk la hasil dia kat bwh..
seriously gambar agak bes tau! lawa wei...mcm ala2 80-an kot... tp lawa ak konfius satu benda...dia ni maen post ke gmbr wat kita ambek kat app ni nye gallery...bab dlm app dia, ad bhgn LOMO wall ngan my photo... so that's why ak mcm kureng sikit nk prasan kan diri..ambek gmbr sdiri...haha...skali je la...time first2 snap, nk uji app ni punye psl... haha..

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

i am as happy as i am

couldn't have wish for more happines
for i am happy as i am
i got myself a new bike
that create a flagellae, pili and villus for my motility around and around here
i have no reason to stay locked up in my room anymore

i have story books which i bought at low prices at
books i have been dreaming to own and read
fruit juices...(er...matter ke wei...??)
and most of all
my ipod touch!!!
now i can freely download apps and games
i love the cute games it got there!
especially farm story and pocket frogs..!!

hahah...i am going over the heels with this things... handphone is broken 
and i think it doesn't matter
weird eh?!
well somehow i feel secure even when i was out of the house
taking a walk(.....or a cycling,i should say..)
at my place small town

some how i love my KELANTAN and the people
they make me feel safe
being in the crowd of people here 
as compared with SHAH ALAM
i feel more secure here
maybe because of the people
maybe because i grow up here
or maybe because i know these people

haha... doesn't matter la!
what's important is that i will be getting a new handphone soon!!
and hopefully my Mok will want to pay for it...
well my money is evaporating ,ok!!
and i still got half a semester to survive with it.

ok... that's all for now!
see ya!

still remember this story??
klakar kan? 
hahaha... (^.^)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

the exam is OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..........for now!

hm.....Alhamdulillah.....abis jgk exm midsem....
seriously oral biology x susah and x senang ok??!! memang kena guna brain nye power full speed wei....especially time essays 100 marks tu ngan time OSPE....huhu....
letih mikir2 answer.OSPE la... within 3 minutes je...korang expect nk jwp ape wei...utk 10 marks...
seriously ak bantai je ape wat first come across my mid...dah x leh wat thorough thinking...slack2 nk letak jwpn laen pun x ag....??
hm...for now...usaha dah...exam pun dah... so tggu results je la... ade la dlm bebulan lagi..( kalau ade fail ramai...lagi la lame ok....mind!)
tp td mcm bes gok la...abes exm trus gi njoy boling ngan mcm bese..ak x brape kan ngan tepat tetutup n bising n kalau ade rokok nye bau....lagi la...
td...dlm bas....ade sit kosong kan sblh ak...then ade la sorang boy ni duduk tempat tu....aduh...ak rs tecekik tau! bau rokok plus myk wangi...adush! meme tecekik la wei... ak x pndang muka dia lgsg....x hingin, x nk bt dosa n x bekenan...
mind wei.... x all girl blh endure orang hisap rokok tau...! lagi la kalau that gurl grown up dlm family wat x de orang hisap rokok... x kan la ayah, abang n adek x hisap, tapi tup..tup...husband dia hisap! meme x brape leh adapt la kan... logically and psychologically...
ok..dah la... nk Qlate lak in few hour lagi..
i've been planning some crazy things to do...hopefully Bosses kat umah x brape nk marah....haha...^^


Saturday, February 5, 2011

wish me luck...

after all, i will sit for an exam the day after tomorrow
and as usual...why everyone look tense??!!!!
it's okay...
different people different way of expressing themselves ...
hm...i just wanna wish gud luk to each one of my classmate
we have strive for up to 8 months...
so why don't we strive for more

this exam will reflect our determination actually
as for me..
i will accept everything that goes in this world as a challenge
i will not live for forever
we all will not live for forever
what we do in this world is to stay survive in it with 
the niat Lillallahi Taala

each minute 
our life shorten
each hour pass means we have loss some part of our time in our life
hence why don't we make full use of our time
we do not live for all the time
the most we may have lived in current conditions and environment is only 
around 60 or something

make full use of our time
always have this positive thinking each time we face difficulties
we will not live for eternity here
we live for eternity there.....

Friday, February 25, 2011

it has been a hectic week

this week sgttttttttttttttttt sibuk tau! class memang la finish at 4 0r 5 the new module memang challenging nyer module la! kami kena hafal nama2 muscle kat upper limb tau.
eh! nk kongsi sikit....tau x kenapa time kita nangis, ada hingus kat hidung...sebabnyer... ada duct wat hubung, eyes nyer air mata duct ngan sinus kat hidung...sinus ni, mcm cavity tau! kita nyer mucous kat hidung ade kat dlm ni la! and kenapa bile kita mature, suare kita brubah? sebab, ada satu part kat hidung ni, name dia parasinus. time kita kecik...dia x kembang elok ag, then upon puberty, dia kind of berkembang and mature la...then, the air passage dlm tu(dia mcm cavity kan...sinus ni) more advanced la...that's why la, suare, everything happen with cause and are not a mere thing k!

aduh! ape ni....cter psl bnda ni! tp x pe kan?? still ilmu, dan ilmu patut dikongsi. besar pahala tu, kalau kita kongsi ilmu tau! ilmu bermanfaat membawa syafaat kat kita time kita kat kubur nnti tau!

ok....skrg, ak dah jadi engineer printer x bertauliah. ak dah byk kali baiki printer ak sdiri wei. ak pun sbnrnya  bru lepas hbis baiki ni. well, hri tu dia rosak ag, and ak mls baiki at that time sbb time tu sibuk nk exam kan? so, ade masa petang ni, ak baiki la kejap. my bff bru beli printer actually.. so since sumer orang tgh kalut ngan printer, x kan la ak nyer printer wat hiasan je kan? so, ape ag, ak kena baiki la ni! x kan la ak nk depends print note ak kat dorang je...memg la dorang bff ak, sekepala, tp.... x bes la kan? asyik dok print kat bilik orang je... printer sdiri ade, x berguna...aduh! sakit2....walau ak x brape suke bdk2 engine, tp ak rs ilmu studi dorang amat beguna kot kat hidup daily kita. especially kalau wat ambek automotive tu kan...memang begune abeh la ngan kita...senang je wat praktikal kat kete sdiri...haha... sronok2... suke gile machine!
know what! ak bru discover myself...actually ak suke keje ngan machine dri duk ngadap manusia! that's why i'm not good to be a what to do now! x pe...ak rs ak nk plan hidup ak so that ak x perlu duk ngadap people always...segan satu hal!malu satu hal! so, maybe next journey nnt, ak nk strive for a dental pathologist kat lab je kot...x yah ngadap human, hari2 ngadap machine electron microcsope ngan bacteria je....haha...nyaman nyer hidup....ok!
hm.... hapi weekend!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

my first long-journey back with train

wat could i said....the journey was ok lah... not least, bile sampai, matahari dah naek atas kepala dah...tak la macam naek bas kan...? sampai je, gelap ak prefer flight or train la pas ni...haha...(mcm bos2 ak bg je..) ok..train dri QLATE ke KL central was overall not bad(2 star rated from me). why?? ok.i have a few question and critics. the lights were on all the time, the kids keep yelling and crying and all that push me to press high volume of my mplayer.the train was not stable..why it keeps making me felling dizzy?and the non-smokers zone!why are the men are allowed to smoke? ok!i knew they smoke at the back of the train compartment but why are they allowed to smoke, still! in the train? the children were there, the ladies were as for me, i really could not stand smokers and smoking. they made me feel uneasy and dizzy. imagine, with the train like that, plus the smell and kids, and all, ok...i was not ok last night.
but chill la thirah...first time in the train...memanglah kan....hahaha
but then, i was really grateful. i got to know the kl central and the way to travel from there and the place next time, kalau ak sorang pun, x sesat kot...insyaAllah.. ^^
then, in the U80 bus, from kl central to shah alam, sek 2, i met this person.a man, but he was wearing a jubah, and a kopiah...then i made comparison between me and him. very a lot ,ok!! hahah...i feel humiliated. mcm mane la nak brubah jadi baek ni...bab kadang2 kita rasa kita dah baek, tutp aurat ape sumer, but then, we still have to questions we practise ISLAM as a way of life?? ISLAM is a way of life.things that are being stated in AL-QURAN and SUNNAH RASUL are the best things for all of us.some of us, do not practise them.and we can see the result of that.their lives are unhealthy.they can say that their lives are perfect. and then, ask them to define perfect. are wearing jewels and driving lamborghini is a perfect lifestyle? do having lots of money, a perfect lifestyle?
bear in mind, money is not everything in our lives. we, in fact, risk our whole lives, when we put money as a priority in our lives. we struggle in working in everyday of our lives, and at the end of the day, or months, we have money. see? money have made us a slave! ok...i know, money is important so that we have comfortable life.fullstop! comfortable life! no need to bargain for a perfect life when we mentions about money.. money never promise a perfect only promise us materials and apparatus.but the way of living with it, ISLAM is still the best way of lives.
ISLAM teaches us the way to cope with problems, to manage our times, to build a family, and all. i would like to suggest a website here.
 i am also in the phase of readjusting myself to be a better muslimah.
because what i believe is that i decorate my own life the way it moves everyday.
and the AKHIRAT(the judgement day) will be here in no time.
remember, we are running out of time here. ALLAH is the ALMIGHTY, HE knows the best for all of us.
changes for good is never too late because late is way better than the never.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

this is my best midsem break EVER!!!!

when i write EVER, i really mean EVER!!! seriously, bessssssssss sggttttt.. hm..maybe because i got my chance to go to places that i want to, maybe because i got what i wanted, maybe because i meet with people that i want to meet!
serious bessssstttttttttt. i got my new bike ak kayuh la mane2 tempat ak rs nk gi...hahah
ak rs besst lg sebab ak jumpa blik best fren2 ak time ak skoloh, time kat matrik, and kat u la kan...x ramai pun... dlm 2 3 org je for me, jumpa dorang tu dah cukup dah kot... bab for me, the journey i have taken in my way to meet them is what most important..... ak dah x takut dah naek bas sorang2(slaen ngan bas express la...i mean local bus) bab ak thu...dlm bas tu...bukan ak saje wat nak g tepat tu and shockingly, route ke no bus ke... local people memg dah hafal kan...taye je la sape2 wat ade gaya mcm tggu bas tu kan... konfom dorang akan thu bas ape nk gi mane...walau bas wat kita taye tu bukan bus dorang...first2 ak mcm cuak gak la...blh caye ke makcik ni, ckp bas nk g kuala krai, bas no ak taye pulak pakcik pun ckp benda same la wei....haha.... bukan skali dua jd wei...byk kali...hahaha...ok la...ak ngalah la kalau hal2 wat psl transport awam ak tekad! biarla ak sokmo naek awam nye transport pun, lagi better kot dri duk gantung2 kat orang...
ak prefer lagi, kuar umah, pakai cap, nek basikal, bwk backpack, jalan2 kat area2 umah ak...jauh2 la sikit...kat bandar ke for example...bwk botol, cri klinik gg....hahaha...sronok.... walau ak dpt 3 klinik je...x pe...len kali leh cuba ag...(aceh...gaya ckp mcm ak ade lg cuti panjang je...)
lagi wat bes break well... game ak kat ipod, game farm story ngan city story dah ade neighbour....siap dia bg gift lagi..hahaha... dlm tu je la...bes2.. ak enjoy kot la orang pggil lagha kan..but actually, zombie cafe lg bes...bab korang leh maen tanpa guna internet maen je la...kat mane2 korang nk maen. mcm ak, kat stesen bas pun ak bantai maen je...kat marry brown..kat..depan kedai runcit untie chinese time ak tgh tggu driver, ak maen gak.. tp aritu ak malu sgt..ak tgk mat saleh...2 orang la...laki pompuan. then ak pikir, dorang mai cn mesti nk tgk gaya hidup orang cn kan..kalu ak jadi dorang  pun ak nk tgk gaya hidup tmpt wat ak g tuh...then ak tgk pakaian ak...bnda ape wat mencerminkan ak ni orang QLate..ak pakai snicker, pegang ipod, SE handphone, pakai jeans, walau bj labuh, tudung labuh pun... dorang mesti kecewa kan.. kalu ak, ak smirk je..ceh! wat penat je mai jauh2 tgk orang2 local pakai bnda wat agak same mcm orang country kita pakai. then sblm tu ag actually..ak dah rs laen..ak duk kat dlm bas, bas jln la kan...then brenti kat 1 2 tempat ambek orang2 wat thn bas...then, msuk la orang bru atas bas tu... sorang msuk, bj kurung..ok.. sorang ag msuk bj kurung ag..k.lagi msuk, bj lagi msuk...baju kurung!ok...that time, ak memg respek ae bdk2 QLATE! walau ak bdk QLATE pun, ak kureng pakai bj kurung...kat asrama la..kalau ak mls pakai T-shirt n x de bj nk pakai. tp bdk Qlate memg superb! ak shopping kat parkson pun, jarang la jumpa bdk2 wat pakai bj slaen bj kurung..bgs la...ak wat dah pakai bj paras lutut pun rs segan wei... bj kurung tu...memang melayu terakhir ade kat KELANTAN la wei...x muka je lawa, adab bdk2 ni pun ok wei..ak tgk rendah diri, ramah, baek lak tu.. aduh...segan la...QLATE memang terbaek la dlm mendidik bdk2 girls baek2 ni..
ok enough about that
hm...smlm first time guna mask...orang suh guna 15 minit je..ak guna 4 jam...tu la...telajak tido sapa kul 4 lebih bru bgn... ptt la mimpi psl trik2 muka,, kupas kulit muka, then behind....hehe...shiny2 skin... adoyai! hampeh nye mimpi... (-.-')

only still blh terbang mane tu..??? 
so manusia..only flesh and blood, tp insyaAllah, kita blh dream high and achieve many things...

row row row your boat
gently down the stream 
merrily merrily merrily
life is but a dream!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

this is my first LOMO LOMO

i got this LOMO LOMO app on my ipod touch... at first, i was quite wonder tau...macam mane nk guna bnda alah ni... then main snap je la...haha...tgk la hasil dia kat bwh..
seriously gambar agak bes tau! lawa wei...mcm ala2 80-an kot... tp lawa ak konfius satu benda...dia ni maen post ke gmbr wat kita ambek kat app ni nye gallery...bab dlm app dia, ad bhgn LOMO wall ngan my photo... so that's why ak mcm kureng sikit nk prasan kan diri..ambek gmbr sdiri...haha...skali je la...time first2 snap, nk uji app ni punye psl... haha..

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

i am as happy as i am

couldn't have wish for more happines
for i am happy as i am
i got myself a new bike
that create a flagellae, pili and villus for my motility around and around here
i have no reason to stay locked up in my room anymore

i have story books which i bought at low prices at
books i have been dreaming to own and read
fruit juices...(er...matter ke wei...??)
and most of all
my ipod touch!!!
now i can freely download apps and games
i love the cute games it got there!
especially farm story and pocket frogs..!!

hahah...i am going over the heels with this things... handphone is broken 
and i think it doesn't matter
weird eh?!
well somehow i feel secure even when i was out of the house
taking a walk(.....or a cycling,i should say..)
at my place small town

some how i love my KELANTAN and the people
they make me feel safe
being in the crowd of people here 
as compared with SHAH ALAM
i feel more secure here
maybe because of the people
maybe because i grow up here
or maybe because i know these people

haha... doesn't matter la!
what's important is that i will be getting a new handphone soon!!
and hopefully my Mok will want to pay for it...
well my money is evaporating ,ok!!
and i still got half a semester to survive with it.

ok... that's all for now!
see ya!

still remember this story??
klakar kan? 
hahaha... (^.^)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

the exam is OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..........for now!

hm.....Alhamdulillah.....abis jgk exm midsem....
seriously oral biology x susah and x senang ok??!! memang kena guna brain nye power full speed wei....especially time essays 100 marks tu ngan time OSPE....huhu....
letih mikir2 answer.OSPE la... within 3 minutes je...korang expect nk jwp ape wei...utk 10 marks...
seriously ak bantai je ape wat first come across my mid...dah x leh wat thorough thinking...slack2 nk letak jwpn laen pun x ag....??
hm...for now...usaha dah...exam pun dah... so tggu results je la... ade la dlm bebulan lagi..( kalau ade fail ramai...lagi la lame ok....mind!)
tp td mcm bes gok la...abes exm trus gi njoy boling ngan mcm bese..ak x brape kan ngan tepat tetutup n bising n kalau ade rokok nye bau....lagi la...
td...dlm bas....ade sit kosong kan sblh ak...then ade la sorang boy ni duduk tempat tu....aduh...ak rs tecekik tau! bau rokok plus myk wangi...adush! meme tecekik la wei... ak x pndang muka dia lgsg....x hingin, x nk bt dosa n x bekenan...
mind wei.... x all girl blh endure orang hisap rokok tau...! lagi la kalau that gurl grown up dlm family wat x de orang hisap rokok... x kan la ayah, abang n adek x hisap, tapi tup..tup...husband dia hisap! meme x brape leh adapt la kan... logically and psychologically...
ok..dah la... nk Qlate lak in few hour lagi..
i've been planning some crazy things to do...hopefully Bosses kat umah x brape nk marah....haha...^^


Saturday, February 5, 2011

wish me luck...

after all, i will sit for an exam the day after tomorrow
and as usual...why everyone look tense??!!!!
it's okay...
different people different way of expressing themselves ...
hm...i just wanna wish gud luk to each one of my classmate
we have strive for up to 8 months...
so why don't we strive for more

this exam will reflect our determination actually
as for me..
i will accept everything that goes in this world as a challenge
i will not live for forever
we all will not live for forever
what we do in this world is to stay survive in it with 
the niat Lillallahi Taala

each minute 
our life shorten
each hour pass means we have loss some part of our time in our life
hence why don't we make full use of our time
we do not live for all the time
the most we may have lived in current conditions and environment is only 
around 60 or something

make full use of our time
always have this positive thinking each time we face difficulties
we will not live for eternity here
we live for eternity there.....