
Saturday, February 19, 2011

my first long-journey back with train

wat could i said....the journey was ok lah... not least, bile sampai, matahari dah naek atas kepala dah...tak la macam naek bas kan...? sampai je, gelap ak prefer flight or train la pas ni...haha...(mcm bos2 ak bg je..) ok..train dri QLATE ke KL central was overall not bad(2 star rated from me). why?? ok.i have a few question and critics. the lights were on all the time, the kids keep yelling and crying and all that push me to press high volume of my mplayer.the train was not stable..why it keeps making me felling dizzy?and the non-smokers zone!why are the men are allowed to smoke? ok!i knew they smoke at the back of the train compartment but why are they allowed to smoke, still! in the train? the children were there, the ladies were as for me, i really could not stand smokers and smoking. they made me feel uneasy and dizzy. imagine, with the train like that, plus the smell and kids, and all, ok...i was not ok last night.
but chill la thirah...first time in the train...memanglah kan....hahaha
but then, i was really grateful. i got to know the kl central and the way to travel from there and the place next time, kalau ak sorang pun, x sesat kot...insyaAllah.. ^^
then, in the U80 bus, from kl central to shah alam, sek 2, i met this person.a man, but he was wearing a jubah, and a kopiah...then i made comparison between me and him. very a lot ,ok!! hahah...i feel humiliated. mcm mane la nak brubah jadi baek ni...bab kadang2 kita rasa kita dah baek, tutp aurat ape sumer, but then, we still have to questions we practise ISLAM as a way of life?? ISLAM is a way of life.things that are being stated in AL-QURAN and SUNNAH RASUL are the best things for all of us.some of us, do not practise them.and we can see the result of that.their lives are unhealthy.they can say that their lives are perfect. and then, ask them to define perfect. are wearing jewels and driving lamborghini is a perfect lifestyle? do having lots of money, a perfect lifestyle?
bear in mind, money is not everything in our lives. we, in fact, risk our whole lives, when we put money as a priority in our lives. we struggle in working in everyday of our lives, and at the end of the day, or months, we have money. see? money have made us a slave! ok...i know, money is important so that we have comfortable life.fullstop! comfortable life! no need to bargain for a perfect life when we mentions about money.. money never promise a perfect only promise us materials and apparatus.but the way of living with it, ISLAM is still the best way of lives.
ISLAM teaches us the way to cope with problems, to manage our times, to build a family, and all. i would like to suggest a website here.
 i am also in the phase of readjusting myself to be a better muslimah.
because what i believe is that i decorate my own life the way it moves everyday.
and the AKHIRAT(the judgement day) will be here in no time.
remember, we are running out of time here. ALLAH is the ALMIGHTY, HE knows the best for all of us.
changes for good is never too late because late is way better than the never.


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Saturday, February 19, 2011

my first long-journey back with train

wat could i said....the journey was ok lah... not least, bile sampai, matahari dah naek atas kepala dah...tak la macam naek bas kan...? sampai je, gelap ak prefer flight or train la pas ni...haha...(mcm bos2 ak bg je..) ok..train dri QLATE ke KL central was overall not bad(2 star rated from me). why?? ok.i have a few question and critics. the lights were on all the time, the kids keep yelling and crying and all that push me to press high volume of my mplayer.the train was not stable..why it keeps making me felling dizzy?and the non-smokers zone!why are the men are allowed to smoke? ok!i knew they smoke at the back of the train compartment but why are they allowed to smoke, still! in the train? the children were there, the ladies were as for me, i really could not stand smokers and smoking. they made me feel uneasy and dizzy. imagine, with the train like that, plus the smell and kids, and all, ok...i was not ok last night.
but chill la thirah...first time in the train...memanglah kan....hahaha
but then, i was really grateful. i got to know the kl central and the way to travel from there and the place next time, kalau ak sorang pun, x sesat kot...insyaAllah.. ^^
then, in the U80 bus, from kl central to shah alam, sek 2, i met this person.a man, but he was wearing a jubah, and a kopiah...then i made comparison between me and him. very a lot ,ok!! hahah...i feel humiliated. mcm mane la nak brubah jadi baek ni...bab kadang2 kita rasa kita dah baek, tutp aurat ape sumer, but then, we still have to questions we practise ISLAM as a way of life?? ISLAM is a way of life.things that are being stated in AL-QURAN and SUNNAH RASUL are the best things for all of us.some of us, do not practise them.and we can see the result of that.their lives are unhealthy.they can say that their lives are perfect. and then, ask them to define perfect. are wearing jewels and driving lamborghini is a perfect lifestyle? do having lots of money, a perfect lifestyle?
bear in mind, money is not everything in our lives. we, in fact, risk our whole lives, when we put money as a priority in our lives. we struggle in working in everyday of our lives, and at the end of the day, or months, we have money. see? money have made us a slave! ok...i know, money is important so that we have comfortable life.fullstop! comfortable life! no need to bargain for a perfect life when we mentions about money.. money never promise a perfect only promise us materials and apparatus.but the way of living with it, ISLAM is still the best way of lives.
ISLAM teaches us the way to cope with problems, to manage our times, to build a family, and all. i would like to suggest a website here.
 i am also in the phase of readjusting myself to be a better muslimah.
because what i believe is that i decorate my own life the way it moves everyday.
and the AKHIRAT(the judgement day) will be here in no time.
remember, we are running out of time here. ALLAH is the ALMIGHTY, HE knows the best for all of us.
changes for good is never too late because late is way better than the never.

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