
Thursday, March 10, 2011

it has been a tiring week!

1st of all, this is a full-of-stress post. minggu ni rs sgt sesak. stiap hari g klas rs mcm "adou!!!!!!! bile la nk abih lecture2 ni"....then haha, Allah Maha Bijaksana. DIA tahu ak x leh nk stand sgt dgn pack nye jadual, so DIA bg ak rs skit perut smlm dlm kul 8.30 pg ak save la 5 jam straight dlm lecture hall. ^^ haha...ak ponteng sejam nye lecture on microb and then masuk klas blik time 3rd nyer klas ngan Dr Gupalo on patho! adoi...-.-
lagi.... next week ak ade 3 jenis atr sume ak rs abn musculoskeleton nye test memang la.... ak x thu kenapa, tp ak rs mcm los sgt ngan lecture2 patho. bongok kan??! patho tu....dealing with disease la makna nye.

kadang2 ak question myself. kenapa la ak ambek dentistry. kenapa time due date nk ata 2nd upu nye application, malam tu ak resah and ak rs nk tukar course.x nk ambek medic. bukan ke ak nye dream nk jadi neurologist, or pakar GIT or pakar kanser? kenapa ak pilih this narrow course. ???

and kenapa ak br realise bnda ni skrg! slepas nk abih 2nd sem ak kat sini!

yang ak thu, malam tu, time ak tgh imagine myself, pakai white coat, tgk2 patients, it stuck me suddenly. dr x de byk cuti.dr means u have little time for ur family. especially medical dr. however, what's most important for me is family! i dream to have a very harmonious family like my cool family. my parents could be expressed as a successful parents since they manage to colour us into characterised man. drs, engineers, teacher and an unknown(my little bro hasn't decide anything yet). i will not live for too long. dunia bukan tempat kekal la wei. lambat laun kita akan mati at least ak nk jugak ade orang sedekahkan ak at least al-Fatihah ke Yasin ke once a week bile ak x de nanti, like what my parents do to my late grands.

as i spinned and racked my brain, ak igt kawan ak. dorang further dentistry kat mesir. 2 orang ni x rapat pun ngan ak, tp at least ak thu la dorang g mesir for dentistry. so why don't i try gg?
ak gtau ayah ak. mak ak. big bro ak.
firstly, dorang memang x kisah ak pilih ape ak thu, dorang ad high expectation on me. so at least i have to try somthing other than them. they're teachers, so at least, i have to be a lecturer or a dr or a prof.

hence malam tu ak decide. ak nk ambek dentistry. this happen on the last week to summit upu 2nd app phase. i just blurted out kat dorang psl gg. at first, bro ak memang suh ak ambek medic je. then ak ckp, ak x nk sibuk. x nk jd mcm dia. dia syp pahtu... thu2, 2 3 hri pastu dia stuju ngan ak. dia siap suruh ag ak ambek dentistry UKM. parents ak jenis open-minded. dorang cume kisah tentang 2 benda je, 1. pakaian ape kami pakai time kami kuar umah, 2. kami solat x ag ... wat laen, blh dbawa bebincang ag la...asal jgn canggah ngan ISLAM and hukum2 syarak.

family ak bukan keluarga ustaz, ustazah. family ak bese2 je. mungkin kami berbeza sebab kami practise Islam as a way of life. senag tau practise Islam ni. tgk la ayah ak, umur +/- 57 tp uban pun susah nk dpat kat kepala ayah. sebab ayah ak suka bgn awal2 pagi, mandi then g masjid solat jemaah. cool je ayah ak..bes ah. wat kawan la... besssssssssss......... ^^

so ak letak la dentistry ukm 1st cois tp last minute pukul 11.45 gitu, ak tukar. ak letak uitm 1st cois ak. ak pun x thu kenapa. ak rasa ak x de konfiden sgt kot ak dapat gg. sbb ak memang nk gg tp ak ad 2 cois je, ukm uitm (um? NEVER!!!) then wat laen...pharmacist... huh! i hate CHEMISTRY!! pastu, memang ak doa la x dpat pharmacist tu... oh.....x nk pharmacist...mintak jauh!!!

so dlm bulan 6..7..ak dapat gg uitm gak...mula2 memang x caye. then masa ak gtau mak ak kat dapur time tu pun mcm blur2 maintain senyum...ayah ak, tetap cool... abang ak.. hm...ok.tu je. the ak daftar, then...
HERE I AM!!! time ak ade mase ak cter psl life kat sini pulak k!( haha...mcm la ade wat bc blog ni.... x least ak ade bt contribution kat internet nye article and at least kakak ak bc kalu dia rajin bukak, wat laen...ak x thu) x pe...ak puas cter kat orang experience ak.


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Thursday, March 10, 2011

it has been a tiring week!

1st of all, this is a full-of-stress post. minggu ni rs sgt sesak. stiap hari g klas rs mcm "adou!!!!!!! bile la nk abih lecture2 ni"....then haha, Allah Maha Bijaksana. DIA tahu ak x leh nk stand sgt dgn pack nye jadual, so DIA bg ak rs skit perut smlm dlm kul 8.30 pg ak save la 5 jam straight dlm lecture hall. ^^ haha...ak ponteng sejam nye lecture on microb and then masuk klas blik time 3rd nyer klas ngan Dr Gupalo on patho! adoi...-.-
lagi.... next week ak ade 3 jenis atr sume ak rs abn musculoskeleton nye test memang la.... ak x thu kenapa, tp ak rs mcm los sgt ngan lecture2 patho. bongok kan??! patho tu....dealing with disease la makna nye.

kadang2 ak question myself. kenapa la ak ambek dentistry. kenapa time due date nk ata 2nd upu nye application, malam tu ak resah and ak rs nk tukar course.x nk ambek medic. bukan ke ak nye dream nk jadi neurologist, or pakar GIT or pakar kanser? kenapa ak pilih this narrow course. ???

and kenapa ak br realise bnda ni skrg! slepas nk abih 2nd sem ak kat sini!

yang ak thu, malam tu, time ak tgh imagine myself, pakai white coat, tgk2 patients, it stuck me suddenly. dr x de byk cuti.dr means u have little time for ur family. especially medical dr. however, what's most important for me is family! i dream to have a very harmonious family like my cool family. my parents could be expressed as a successful parents since they manage to colour us into characterised man. drs, engineers, teacher and an unknown(my little bro hasn't decide anything yet). i will not live for too long. dunia bukan tempat kekal la wei. lambat laun kita akan mati at least ak nk jugak ade orang sedekahkan ak at least al-Fatihah ke Yasin ke once a week bile ak x de nanti, like what my parents do to my late grands.

as i spinned and racked my brain, ak igt kawan ak. dorang further dentistry kat mesir. 2 orang ni x rapat pun ngan ak, tp at least ak thu la dorang g mesir for dentistry. so why don't i try gg?
ak gtau ayah ak. mak ak. big bro ak.
firstly, dorang memang x kisah ak pilih ape ak thu, dorang ad high expectation on me. so at least i have to try somthing other than them. they're teachers, so at least, i have to be a lecturer or a dr or a prof.

hence malam tu ak decide. ak nk ambek dentistry. this happen on the last week to summit upu 2nd app phase. i just blurted out kat dorang psl gg. at first, bro ak memang suh ak ambek medic je. then ak ckp, ak x nk sibuk. x nk jd mcm dia. dia syp pahtu... thu2, 2 3 hri pastu dia stuju ngan ak. dia siap suruh ag ak ambek dentistry UKM. parents ak jenis open-minded. dorang cume kisah tentang 2 benda je, 1. pakaian ape kami pakai time kami kuar umah, 2. kami solat x ag ... wat laen, blh dbawa bebincang ag la...asal jgn canggah ngan ISLAM and hukum2 syarak.

family ak bukan keluarga ustaz, ustazah. family ak bese2 je. mungkin kami berbeza sebab kami practise Islam as a way of life. senag tau practise Islam ni. tgk la ayah ak, umur +/- 57 tp uban pun susah nk dpat kat kepala ayah. sebab ayah ak suka bgn awal2 pagi, mandi then g masjid solat jemaah. cool je ayah ak..bes ah. wat kawan la... besssssssssss......... ^^

so ak letak la dentistry ukm 1st cois tp last minute pukul 11.45 gitu, ak tukar. ak letak uitm 1st cois ak. ak pun x thu kenapa. ak rasa ak x de konfiden sgt kot ak dapat gg. sbb ak memang nk gg tp ak ad 2 cois je, ukm uitm (um? NEVER!!!) then wat laen...pharmacist... huh! i hate CHEMISTRY!! pastu, memang ak doa la x dpat pharmacist tu... oh.....x nk pharmacist...mintak jauh!!!

so dlm bulan 6..7..ak dapat gg uitm gak...mula2 memang x caye. then masa ak gtau mak ak kat dapur time tu pun mcm blur2 maintain senyum...ayah ak, tetap cool... abang ak.. hm...ok.tu je. the ak daftar, then...
HERE I AM!!! time ak ade mase ak cter psl life kat sini pulak k!( haha...mcm la ade wat bc blog ni.... x least ak ade bt contribution kat internet nye article and at least kakak ak bc kalu dia rajin bukak, wat laen...ak x thu) x pe...ak puas cter kat orang experience ak.

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