oh....i am crap tis time....got an exam to look forward for the end of the week...everyone is like crazy sort of person....struggling and struggling...well i understand their feeling...don't want to be the ones left behind rite...especially when the person that is in my course is the cream of the cream...like my pharmacology lecturer adressed us during her lecture clas....well i still have lot to read, to memorize, to understand....i have cover half of it i guessed....oh...still have lot to go with...ya Allah....dalam bulan pose ni...berikanlah aku kekuatan dan ketabahan yang berkekalan....ya Allah hanya padaMu aku berharap...exam ni walau nmpk x penting mane pun tpi ni la satu2 nya exm yang kami ada utk uji thp penguasaan kami kat bidg kami ambk ni...ari tu 1st test pun x lulus so it made me start thinking...can i survive this tough course....i realllllly do not know...the reason i take this course is that i want to have lot of money so that i can go travelling around the globe, spreading smiles and help those that're in need....i can't be exactly like the actors in Adam Patches movie..but @ les i want to be partially like him,the md student,for i'm not a md student but a bds student....
pray for my success k...